Planning Space 16.5 Update 31 Release Notes

RELEASE DATE: 16 February 2024

Updates are based on full installations of Planning Space. All changes in previous Updates are included in the latest Update.


General Notes

Upgrading to Planning Space 20.3: See the Planning Space Deployment Guide (Version 20 Upgrade Paths) for the latest information about upgrade paths from version 16.5 to 20.3.

Support Ticket information: Ticket numbers refer to Cases in the Quorum Software Support service in SalesForce.

Database upgrades for this release

A mandatory database upgrade for Tenant databases is required for this update.

Planning Space (IPS)

New Features

  • Upgraded the CefSharp browser component in Planning Space to version v117.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space Deployment Guide .

Planning Space Dataflow

New Features

  • Dataflow Reporting: Report outputs are now generated with respect to the Access Control permissions that have been set in the document template (i.e., if the current user has been allowed/denied access for each template element).

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Load from Economics tool: Fixed an issue in the aggregation logic where aggregated values of mapped variables were not calculated correctly for projects being calculated in parallel processes.
Load from Economics tool: Fixed a bug in the aggregation logic which was causing loading errors "Project <X> is not calculated".
23-00908894, 23-00920209
Fixed an issue where the automatic 'cluster temp cleanup' process was incorrectly removing temporary folders that were in use; this was causing missing output files for Dataflow reporting jobs.
Fixed a bug in Version permissions where the renaming of a workgroup was causing that workgroup to disappear from permissions settings.

Planning Space Economics and Financials

New Features and Fixed Defects apply to both applications, unless otherwise noted.

New Features

  • Result Set calculations: Calculated Spreadsheets for a Result Set Run are now persisted after the end of a Planning Space session, and can be accessed using a download button.
  • Regime module function library: Functions have been added so that incremental project information can be used in regime models.
  • Dataflow Pivot & Aggregate links - changed permissions for new entities after link creation: In previous releases, newly-created projects and folders after link creation or link refresh were only applied the node permissions of Full Access for the configured 'Link Manager Workgroup'; this has been modified so that inherited permissions from the parent node will also be applied to newly-created entities (i.e., the same behavior as when nodes are created manually in a hierarchy).
  • Regimes - Excel Economics spreadsheet models: For calculations based on spreadsheet groups, the optional setting 'Start Date' has been added, so that the start period for the group calculations can be specified.
  • Regimes - Module Editor: The context menu in the code editor has been improved so that temporary regime variables can be added and have their data type set, from within the code editor.
  • Result Set calculations - Calculated Spreadsheets: The regime function 'ExecuteSpreadsheet' has two new options to control the saving of spreadsheets; the Boolean 'isSavingWorkingFile' determines if data will be saved for each function call (default 'true' if the parameter is not used); 'workingFileSavingPath' is an optional file path to specify the folder where the saved files will be stored.
  • Result Set calculations - Preserve Calculated Spreadsheets option: There is a new additional setting for 'Match source' (default) or 'Match calculation (Debug)'; the latter option should be used when the spreadsheet files are needed to check or debug the calculations in Planning Space; the former option should be used when the original spreadsheet files are required.
  • Regime module function library: The PARTNERVALUE function now accepts a Text variable as the input parameter for the partner name.
  • Regime module function library: Added the function MIRR to calculate the modified internal rate of return for periodic cash flows.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Economics OData API: Fixed a bug in the resource '/data/v1/calculate' where a 500 server error was occurring after a modification had been made in a result set report's Currency & Discounting preset, due to incorrect caching of the report configuration.
Result Set calculations: Fixed an issue where the automatic data cleanup process was incorrectly removing empty temporary folders that were in use and pending storage of data files; this was causing file save errors for Result Set calculation runs.
Result Set calculations with incrementals: Fixed an issue that was causing the log error "The base project <X> on <Default> tab cannot be used ... on tab <Y>"; a pre-calculation validation check has been added to check if base projects in the default tab have been used as incremental projects in other tabs.