Version 20 Upgrade Paths
The following are the Planning Space versions for which it is possible to perform a direct upgrade of data in tenant databases to be used with version 20.4 Update 8:
- Tenant databases running in any version of Planning Space 16.5 up to and including 16.5 Update 32;
- Tenant databases running in any version of Planning Space 20.3 up to and including 20.3 Update 12.
Note: Quorum Software is committed to providing upgrade paths for all PlanningSpace 16.5 releases to PlanningSpace 20.4. There may be some delay until an upgrade path becomes available, i.e., when database formats and functionality have become synchronized across the versions. Advance notice will be published if upgrade support is to be discontinued for any versions of Planning Space 16.5.
Please contact Quorum Support for help with planning an upgrade to Planning Space version 20.4.