
The buttons on the ribbon are explained in the tables below. Some functions are also available in the context menu which opens when you right-click an item.

When you open the Reconciliation workspace initially, the Reconciliations screen will be open in the main workspace area and the Home and Manage Reconciliations tabs will be available on the ribbon. When you open a reconciliation, it will have its own screen, and its own set of ribbon tabs: Reconciliation, Approvals and Tasks. Buttons in the Approvals tab will become active when you open the Approvals tab of the reconciliation, and buttons in the Tasks tab will become active when you open the Task List tab.

Home tab

Button Function
Manage button Opens the Reconciliations screen.
License Manager button Opens the License Manager window (see Licensing).

Manage Reconciliations tab

Button Function
Save button Save: Saves changes made to reconciliations.
Open button Open: Opens the selected reconciliation.
New button New: Creates a new reconciliation (see Create a new reconciliation).
Delete button

Delete: Delete the selected reconciliation (see Delete a reconciliation).

Note: This function is only available to user accounts that are granted the role 'Reconciliation/Reconciliations - Delete'.

Show Inactive Reconciliations button

Show Inactive Reconciliations: Toggle for Show or Hide inactive reconciliations (if 'Show' is enabled the button has an orange background).

Note: This function is only available to user accounts that are granted the role 'Reconciliation/Manage'.

Load Data button Load Data: Opens a window where you can load data into the selected reconciliation (see Load data into a reconciliation).
Permissions button Permissions: Open the permissions control dialog for the reconciliation. [Added in version 16.5 Update 16]

Reconciliation tab

Button Function
Save button Saves changes made to the opened reconciliation.
Open button Opens the selected hierarchy item.
Expand button Expands all nodes contained in the selected hierarchy node.
Collapse button Collapses all nodes contained in the selected hierarchy node.
Permissions button Opens the window where you can assign permissions: allow or forbid users to perform operation on the selected node in the reconciliation.
Run Reports button Opens a reserves report in the Dataflow Reporting workspace for the selected reconciliation (see Reporting workspace).
Bulk Change button Opens a dialog where you can create change records in bulk in the child nodes of the selected node (see Create change records in bulk).
Unit System Select a system of units of measurement for data display; the available options are Imperial, Metric, Continental.
Unit Scale Select a scale for displayed values; the available options are Small, Medium, Large.
Empty Categories button Shows or hides reserves categories without values. When this button is pressed, empty categories are shown.
Scale Values button Controls the scale of values on the chart. Click this button to use the largest value for all product categories as the highest value on the chart; otherwise the largest value in the current product category will be used.
Tornado button Shows values as a column chart.
Waterfall button Shows values as a waterfall chart.

Approvals tab

Button Function
Submit button Submits changes for approval (see Submit changes for approval).
Approve button Approves submitted changes (see Approve reserves changes).
Delete button Rejects submitted changes.
Restart button Restarts the approval process.
Refresh button Refreshes the list of items available or submitted for approval.
Open button Opens the selected hierarchy node.
Approval History button Opens a window where you can check the history of approvals for the selected hierarchy node.

Tasks tab

Button Function
Add button Creates a new task (see Tasks).
Edit button Opens the selected task for editing.
Complete button Marks the selected task as completed.
Delete button Deletes the selected task.