
The table below describes the buttons in the Reports tab on the ribbon in the Economics Configuration workspace.

Button Function
Save button Saves the opened report if changes have been made. If you click the arrow under this button, you will find the Save All option which saves all changed reports.
Add Report button Creates a new Standard Report. If you click the arrow underneath, there is a menu to select: Standard Report, One Line Summary Report, or Folder.
Open Report button Opens the selected report for editing in the Report Designer.
Rename button Renames the selected report.
Delete Report button Deletes the selected report.
Show button Shows all nodes contained in the selected hierarchy node.
Hide button Hides all nodes contained in the selected hierarchy node.
Paste button Inserts the clipboard contents into the selected node.
Cut button Cuts the selected node and its contents, and stores them in the clipboard.
Copy button

Copies the selected node and its contents, and stores them in the clipboard.

Note: If you copy and paste items within the hierarchy, it is not possible to undo this operation.

Add Master Report button Adds the selected report to the list of master reports (see Report types).
Remove Master Report button Removes the selected report from the list of Master Reports.
Move Up button Moves the selected project up in the list of Project Reports.
Move Down button Moves the selected project down in the list of Project Reports.
Export Template button Saves the currently-opened report to an XML file.
Import Template button Import a report from an XML file.
Permissions button

For version 16.5 Update 22 and later: Open the Permissions dialog for the selected folder or report template.

See Report Designer.

License Manager button Opens the License Manager window (see Licensing).
Edit Using Excel button Edit Using Excel: Opens the current report trmplate in Excel, allowing you to perform a live edit. When you save in Excel the changes will be inserted back into the Report Designer. This button is activated when a template is open for editing.