Report Settings

The following tables describes the general export and system parameters for running reports.

Document Reports

Field Description
Output Type Dataflow offers the following output formats: Palantir Report, PDF, Excel (XLS and XLSX), Rich Text File, Comma Separated Values, Web Page, Image, and Test Data Set (see Output types).
Output Path The folder where the generated reports will be saved.
Revision Contains the list of active revision tags. Only one tag can be selected at a time. Dataflow will find all revisions marked with the selected tag and include data from them into the report. Check the Include inactive tags box underneath to include inactive tags into the list. On the Document Multi-Dataset Report Settings tab, you specify revision tags in the Data Settings section at the bottom of the Reports panel (see Run a Multi-Dataset report).
Start Date The first date to be used in reports. To use the first date of each document, check the box next to this field.
End Date The last date to be used in reports. To use the last date of each document, check the box next to this field.
Periodicity Periodicity to be used in reports. It can be standard (Annually, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, Monthly) or a custom combination of periodicities (Mixed). If you select the Mixed option, enter the number of years to be displayed in each periodicity in the Monthly, Quarterly and Semi-Annually fields; the remaining years will be shown on the annual basis. The order of periodicities cannot be changed: it always starts with Monthly and ends with Annually.
Scenarios (Only used for Document Report Settings) Contains the list of active scenario tags. You can select as many tags as required by clicking their names. Dataflow will find scenarios marked with any of the selected tags and include data from them into reports. Check the Include inactive tags box to include inactive tags in the list. On the Document Multi-Dataset Report Settings tab, you specify scenario tags in the Data Settings section at the bottom of the Reports panel (see Run a Multi-Dataset report).
Unit System Select the unit system to be used in reports. The default is Imperial.
Unit Scale Select the unit scale to be used in reports. The default is Medium.
Currency Deck

Select the currency deck to be used in reports. (Decks are created and managed in the Dataflow Configuration workspace; see Currencies.)

Note: You must assign currency decks to all of the documents that will be used in reports because the inflation date is specified for individual documents. Once the inflation date is set, exchange and inflation rates will be taken from the currency deck selected in this field. If a document has no currency deck, the report’s currency settings must match with each document’s currency settings since currency conversion cannot take place without the exchange and inflation rates stored in a deck.

Currency Deck Revision Select which revision of the specified Currency Deck will be used.

Select the currency to be used in reports. The list will contain only those currencies that are included in the selected currency deck.

Note: If you have selected the Use document's currency deck option in the Currency Deck field, this list will show all of the currencies available. If you select a currency which does not exist in a document's deck, you will get an error when running the report.

Inflation Method Select Real or Nominal.

Note: The Revision tag and Scenario tags criteria are applied together. To be included in reports, a document must have the specified Revision tag and at least one of the specified Scenario tags.

Reserves Reports

Field Description
Output Type Dataflow offers the following output formats: Palantir Report, PDF, Excel (XLS and XLSX), Rich Text File, Comma Separated Values, Web Pag, Image, and Test Data Set (see Output types).
Output Path The folder where the generated reports will be saved.
Unit System Select the unit system to be used in reports. The default is Imperial.
Unit Scale Select the unit scale to be used in reports. The default is Small.