The data hierarchy that you see in Dataflow has been especially designed to reflect the structure of your company's business.
Only one hierarchy can be maintained in each Planning Space tenant. The Node Types (and their icon images), and their logical relationships by levels are hard-coded in the tenant database. (These cannot be edited from inside Planning Space, however it can be possible to modify them by direct editing in the database; see Node Types configuration.)
The example hierarchy in the screenshot below is a typical one that is based on a geographical model; however, your company's hierarchy will be based on the way that your business operates, so what you will see in Dataflow may be different from the example images shown in this document.
Each hierarchy node contains a document; to open the document, double-click the node. The data inside each document is structured from a template, appropriate to each type of node; the template also determines how data will appear in reports.
Documents can be manually created and populated with data in Dataflow. Very often, though, the nodes (documents) and their data will be imported in hierarchical data batches from different external sources (such as databases, or structured data in Excel spreadsheets); see Data loaders.
Dataflow offers a very comprehensive and fine-grained security model so that (different types of) access to documents at different levels of the hierarchy can be tightly-specified to configurable groups of users. (See Manage document permissions.)
The text box above the hierarchy is used for searching; see Find documents in the hierarchy.
You can minimize the hierarchy by clicking the Minimize button; the hierarchy pane will be collapsed. To re-open it, click the Maximize
button at the top of the collapsed pane.
The field under the search box shows the hierarchy's version. In the example image above, the Live version is selected. To view the list of available versions and to select a version, click inside the version field. The colored box next to the version name is also used to label documents opened from that version. For more information, see Versions.