Data Utility

The Data Utility is used to update data in several documents at once. It loads and displays current values, and then saves the changes you make. It can be opened at any hierarchy level and will update all documents of a particular type under the selected node (see Load and edit values). For example, you can use it to update production rates in all of the fields in an area, or to specify general settings for several regions within a country. You can also use this tool to import and export data from Dataflow (see Export to clipboard and Import from clipboard). When you open the tool, a new tab Data Utility is added to the ribbon; its buttons are described in the table below.

To open the Data Utility tool click the Data Utility button Data Utility button in the Tools section on the ribbon. The tool opens in a separate tab in the document pane so you can open it several times against different nodes of the hierarchy (or even against the same node).

The Data Utility screen contains two tabs. The Periodic tab contains variables with multiple values, for example, capex or production rates. The Scalar tab contains variables that have only one value, for example, working interest shares, field locations or country names.

Data Utility screen

Before editing data, you need to specify which values you are going to change. These settings are stored in presets. If you click the arrow under the Data Utility button Data Utility button, you will see the presets which have been added to the quick launch list (see the screenshot below); select a preset from the list to view data with these parameters. If you click this button, the default preset will be used. If you do not have a preset, you can create one (see Data Utility presets).

quick launch list

Data Utility tab buttons

Item Function
Save button Saves the current preset if its settings have been changed. If you click the arrow underneath this button, the Save New option will be displayed which saves the current preset under a different name.
New button Creates a new preset (see Data Utility presets).
list of existing presets Shows the list of existing presets. To open a preset, select it from the list.
Settings button Opens a window where you can specify the preset's settings (see Data Utility presets).
Delete button Deletes the currently selected preset.
Node type is selected Shows the type of document which will be edited.
The Tag field Contains the list of available tags to identify loaded scenarios. The Include inactive tags box underneath is used to include inactive tags in this list as well.
Roll Up Variables button Opens the Variable Selector window where you can choose which variables you want to edit. The Only show editable check box is used to filter out variables that cannot be edited for some reason (for example, the documents containing them are locked).
Link Selections checkbox Links items on the Scalar and Periodic tabs so that they can be loaded and submitted together.
Date Range buttons Show the first and last dates for which values will be loaded.
Periodicity selector Shows the periodicity in which values will be displayed. You can use a standard periodicity (Annually, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, Monthly) or a custom combination of periodicities (Mixed).
Bulk Load button Loads data according to the selected preset.
Export button Copies values into the clipboard (see Export to clipboard) or into a CSV file (see Export to CSV).
Import button Copies values from the clipboard (see Import from clipboard) or from a CSV file (see Import from CSV).
Bulk Run button Saves changes to the loaded values.