Add a node

To add a consolidation node, project, Contract Terms document or hierarchy data document:

  1. In the Hierarchy Explorer, right-click on the node where you want to insert a new node.
  2. Select Add from the context menu and the list of available node types will be displayed.
  3. Select the new node type from the list and the New Node dialog will be displayed.
  4. Enter the name of the new node, specify document properties (if available), and click OK. The newly created node will appear in the hierarchy. Naming restrictions are given in the table below.

You can move nodes by dragging and dropping them into new positions.

Node Max. Length (characters) Allowed Characters
Project 140 All except for = \ ; : * <> / @ ? | “ +. Names must begin with an alphabetical or numerical character.
Consolidation 50 All except for = \ ; : * <> / @ ? | “ +. Names must begin with an alphabetical or numerical character.
Contract Terms document 140 All except for = \ ; : * <> / @ ? | “ +. Names must begin with an alphabetical or numerical character.
Hierarchy Data Document 150 All except for = \ ; : * <> / @ ? | “ +