PalantirFINANCIALS is a financial forecasting tool that enables its users to generate a complete picture of a company's financial performance. Integration with Microsoft Excel® gives FINANCIALS modeling and analytical functionality which allows companies to analyze and consolidate projects from multiple international regimes through a consistent corporate methodology.
FINANCIALS will give your organization the ability to generate financial forecasts and statements. The underlying calculations engine allows for complete auditing to satisfy SOX or other internal compliance requirements. Financial statements can be generated at multiple reporting levels, enabling a comprehensive financial picture for any number of corporate structures.
FINANCIALS has advanced reporting capability that allows financial results to be presented clearly and concisely using Excel. With PalantirFINANCIALS you can quickly generate Key Financial Indicators that allow you to see the impact of changes to your portfolio. The system is modular and can be integrated into existing processes and systems. The open database allows data to move freely into and out of the system.