Create Spreadsheet Import Tasks

The Spreadsheet Import tool uses import Tasks to hold a set of related data called a Mapping. When you import a spreadsheet you must create a task for each mapping you are importing. For example, you need to create one task to import a capital costs mapping and another task for an operating costs mapping. You can import each task separately or create several tasks and import them all at once.

When you open the Spreadsheet Import tool, an empty task is already displayed. You can add more tasks by clicking Add Task in the bottom left. When you have more than one task, only the task you are currently editing is visible—all other tasks are collapsed. Click the blue space above a task to expand it.

The order in which the tasks are imported is important. For example, if you are going to import capital costs for a well, the well must already exist in the project. Therefore, if the well doesn’t exist in the project, you would need to first create a task to import the well and then create a task to import its capital costs. You can only create wells by selecting the Well Information mapping in the Spreadsheet Import tool.

You can reorder tasks by clicking the up and down arrows in the task’s header.

The order in which data is entered in each spreadsheet is also important. See Spreadsheet Creation Guidelines.