Decline Editing Hotkey Mode

To make editing a large number of declines more efficient, you can enter Hotkey Mode on Predictions | Declines and use the keyboard to quickly edit fields and move between wells.

To enter or exit Hotkey Mode

  1. On Predictions | Declines, click .
  2. Click Hotkey Mode.

When you enter Hotkey Mode, Predictions | Declines switches to the product detail view with Qi automatically selected. A Hotkey legend (below) is also displayed to the right of the product detail view.

The Hotkey functions are described below.

Hotkey Description
Q Toggles between Qi/Qf
W Toggles between Di/Df
F Flags the current entity
Toggles to N
Left/Right arrows Switches to the next segment and select the matching field from the previous segment
Up/Down arrows Modifies the selected value up or down by 1. For values, holding Shift modifies the value by .01. For percentages, holding Shift modifies the value by .1
S Switches between products
B Best Fit or Refit Wells the current product
R Best Fit or Refit Wellsthe current product
T Adds the 'tail' exponential segment if you switch an exponential segment into a hyperbolic/harmonic segment.
C Set to Current
Ctrl + R Reloads the entity
Spacebar Goes to the next entity
Shift + Spacebar Goes to the previous entity