Rename an Entity

When you rename an entity, keep in mind that:

  • Entity names are not case sensitive. Therefore, a name such as NEW WELL cannot be used if the name New Well is already in use.
  • Renamed entities retain their globally unique identifier. Data associated with the well does not change when you rename it. Value Navigator will continue to treat the renamed well as if it was the original well. This behaviour can affect the merging of projects. See Merge Projects for more details.
  • You can use the name of a deleted entity, but doing so links the renamed entity with the deleted entity’s reserve reconciliation records (applies only to wells and only in a posted database).
  • The deleted entity’s Vendor ID remains linked to the renamed entity unless you select Delete associated Vendor IDs in the Rename Entity dialog box. Using the correct vendor ID is required for PPDM production updates. For more information, see Map Data Vendor IDs.

Rename a Single Entity

To rename a single entity

  1. In the Entity Explorer, right-click the entity you want to rename and click Rename Entity.
  2. Enter a new name.
  3. Select Delete associated Vendor IDs, if required, and click OK.

Rename Several Entities

To rename several entities

  1. From the Entity menu, select Rename Entities.
  2. In the Batch Rename dialog box, enter the Old UWI and the New UWI for all entities you want to rename. You can also import a .txt or .csv file by clicking Import.
  3. Select Delete associated Vendor IDs, if required, and click OK.