Aucerna Portfolio 3.7 Release Notes
- Improved Lindo Feedback
- Notifications – More Enhancements
- Enforce Optimization Timeout on Parallel Processes
- Data Source Improvements
- PlanningSpace Integration Improvements
- Enersight Data Source Authentication
- Model Tab Improvements
- Make All Constraints Visible
Improved Lindo Feedback
Progress is accessible from the Scenario View at any time while the Optimization job is running.
Visualization of Optimization progress:
- View Optimization Model details
- Graphical or ‘Show Data’ view of Optimization progress
- Option to interrupt the Optimization – Results are returned to that point
Improvements to Optimization Notifications:
- Include Lindo Status
- Indication that the job is being cancelled
Click image to expand or minimize.
Improved Notifications
- Job status notifications are now saved in the database, so they are available regardless of server status.
- Improved icons
- New notification when downloading the Optimization Log
- Access further information on some notification types
- From the notifications it is possible to:
- Expand the details
- Mark them as read
- Remove them from the list
- Cancel Import/Export jobs
- Download an export log
- Navigate to the page that triggered the job
Click image to expand or minimize.
Enforced Optimization Timeout
The Global Solver makes the original problem into several sub-problems. Each of these are solved in parallel, and the number of sub-problems running concurrently depends on the server.
- Each sub-solver honors the Timeout, and if they are not running concurrently the total runtime can be longer than expected.
- To forcefully honor the Timeout, users can stop all sub-problems at once with a new Optimization option.
- By selecting this option, users risk losing feasible solutions by not letting the Solver run all sub-problems to their own Timeout.
Improved Data Sources
Copy Data Sources
Once a Mapping Template is configured, Copy the Data Source to use the mapping in another connection
Assign labels to imported Opportunities to manage duplicate Opportunity names from multiple imports
Click image to expand or minimize.
Improved PlanningSpace Integration
Import multiple Results Sets at once
Select multiple Results Sets and save the configuration for future updates
Click image to expand or minimize.
Support in Mappings for all Data Types
Map String, Numeric, and Date scalars from PlanningSpace to Portfolio Attributes
Click image to expand or minimize.
Embed Aucerna Portfolio in PlanningSpace
Launch Portfolio directly from PlanningSpace 16.5
Click image to expand or minimize.
New IPS Portfolio Administrator Role
A new role in PlanningSpace 16.5 separates Aucerna Portfolio Administration from PlanningSpace Administration rights
PlanningSpace 16.4 is still supported without the new role
Added Enersight Source Authentication
Improved Model Tab
Improved Constraint Visibility
Aucerna Portfolio 3.7 Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a ‘local filesystem access error’ where no error message was returned. Now we check for all available messages.
- Fixed an issue where Metric Constraints import errors were ignored and users assumed a successful import. Error handling has been added.
- Fixed an issue where invalid selection constraints were passed to the optimizer. This could cause wrong optimization results. Invalid constraints are no longer passed to the solver, e.g., Total Min = 1 but all time period Max = 0. The ability to see all constraint violations has also been added.
- Solver Error 2409 - Fixed an issue where invalid selection dependencies were passed to the solver. Now users cannot import invalid dependencies, and existing invalid dependencies are not passed to the solver.
- Resolved an issue where calling user endpoints returned all users and information. This was a security concern for auditors and now only the relevant data is returned.
- Fixed an issue in the function ‘GetCumulativeDiscounted’ when an input argument referenced other cells in the Excel spreadsheet.
- Investigated an issue where the Optimization timeout took twice as long as expected. This is not a bug, but an effect of parallel processes having the timeout applied individually. Resolved with the addition of the ‘Enforce Solver Timeout’ option.
- Fixed an issue where Portfolio could become unresponsive when creating multiple Excel Data Sources.
- Fixed an issue where Metric Constraints imports could fill in all tailing values when null was expected.
- Fixed an issue where Metric Constraint imports shifted the value list when null was the first time-step value.
- Fixed an issue in Metric Constraints where the cell following a blank time-step could not be locked/unlocked.
- Fixed an issue where a multi-Scenario Datatable widget could result in an error. Table data was not refreshed as expected when rendering the widget.
- Fixed an issue in the new (3.7) Callees/Callers panels in Model where the application disappeared for users.
When Portfolio is embedded in PlanningSpace 16.5:
- Fixed an issue where the Notification Bell, Username, and Version were not visible on the Home page.
- Fixed an issue with button alignment.
- Fixed an issue where some drop-down controls did not display content properly.
- Fixed errors when exporting or downloading Portfolio data to file.
- Made KeyDirectory mandatory in application settings. The key for protecting Data Source credentials should be persistent, so the KeyDirectory is specified directly for compatibility with planned configuration changes.