The Notifications Pane

The Notifications Pane (located on the right side of the Portfolio window) displays notifications on several Portfolio actions:

  • Import
  • Optimizations
  • Errors/Warnings

Open the Notifications pane by clicking the icon beside the username in the Portfolio banner.

Close the pane by clicking outside of the pane anywhere in the application or click the Notifications icon.

When the pane is closed, new notifications are indicated with badges on the Notifications icon.

Click the Notification Title to expand details.

Buttons available within a notification:

  • Cancel: when the current job has a Cancel action
  • Information: view a log for the current notification
  • Download: when the notification has a Download action
  • Delete Notification: removes the item from the user's notifications list
  • Notification is new/unread
  • Notification has been opened/read
  • Navigate to Resource: navigate to the location in the application that caused the notification