Planning Space 16.5 Update 22 Release Notes

RELEASE DATE: 25 August 2022

Updates are based on full installations of Planning Space. All changes in previous Updates are included in the latest Update.

Installation changes - Update 17 and later: Releases since Update 17 use a new installer platform based on the WiX Toolset. This provides a single, unified EXE file for installing any of: Planning Space (IPS) server; Planning Space client application; CX Suite client applications; LP Solver service. For the updated installation instructions see the Deployment Guide. When the WiX-based installer is used for the first time, a complete uninstall of the existing Planning Space installation (i.e., Update 16 or earlier), followed by a machine reboot, will be required. Subsequent Updates can be installed in-place.

Important - Upgrading to Planning Space 20.3: If you are planning to upgrade from Planning Space 16.5 to Planning Space 20.3, it is possible to upgrade your PlanningSpace databases from 16.5 Update 22 to Version 20.3 Update 1.

Advance notice for the Planning Space 32-bit applications: The 32-bit versions of the Dataflow and Portfolio applications will be discontinued in a future release of Planning Space 16.5.

Database upgrades for this release

A mandatory database upgrade for IPS Common and Tenant databases is required for this update.

Planning Space (IPS)

New Features

  • Security improvements: Javascript libraries which support Planning Space web interfaces have been updated to address known vulnerabilities.
  • Security improvement: IPS Server has been installed with the latest security against Cross-Frame Scripting (XFS) attacks.
  • Security improvement: Server-side email settings have been removed from the config file 'PlanningSpace.exe.config' in the Planning Space client installer. This affects the "Send Report to Support" action when an unhandled exception error occurs in the client application; this will now use the 'mailto' action in the user's local context (which must be configured to use an email client).
  • Security improvement: The Planning Space client code for the 'serverhome.lastuser' cookie has been updated to address a known vulnerability.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space Deployment Guide .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
OData API endpoints: Fixed an issue that was causing 500 error responses for GET requests that contained the header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'; this was traced to internal code changes made during the adoption of ASP.NET CORE in Update 17.  The issue was observed when creating OData links in Spotfire.
Fixed an issue that was causing '/data' resources to be missing from the Swagger-based API reference web pages for the Dataflow, Economics and Financials Web APIs.
OData API: Fixed an issue that was causing timeout errors for API requests that were querying Dataflow scalar data which contained large numbers of revisions (the database view queries in the API code have been optimized to handle this situation).
Economics OData API: Fixed an issue that was causing intermittent authentication failure (error code 401) of OData API requests using Windows authentication, in a clustered deployment. (Planning Space license authorization for API requests was tied to single server machines and hence prone to failure when API requests were distributed to servers by the load balancer.)

Planning Space Dataflow

New Features

  • Document Lock Management: The list of locked documents is now filtered according to the access permissions of the current user for each locked document; the user will not be able to view documents for which they are not granted 'Read' access. (This means that the 'Documents Unlock' role can safely be granted to users with restricted access to Dataflow data).
  • Load from Economics and Load from Financials tools: Added security permissions for mapping templates.
  • Load from Economics and Load from Financials tools: Added security permissions for batch import settings.
  • Load from Excel tool: Improved the selection, copy and paste actions in the File Root Folder input field.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Data Batching hierarchy tool: Fixed a UI bug where the 'Filter' window required repeated clicks to be closed.
Load from Database tool: Fixed a bug in the Query Preview function which was causing an error "unable to open database file" for SQLite data sources.
Load from Database tool: Fixed a bug that was allowing users to modify a destination document's revision tags when the user was not granted the 'Revisions Apply and Remove Tags' role.
Change Dates hierarchy tool: Fixed an issue that was causing the error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute".
PlanningSpace Data Connector (PDC): Fixed an issue where failed document Update operations were not being reported correctly in the PDC; these Update failures were due to a bug in handing the case where the 'Revision' data in Excel did not specify a revision tag.
Load from Excel tool: Fixed a bug that was causing an exception error when attempting to create a document where the project 'end date' month in the Excel file did not contain 31 days.

Planning Space Economics and Financials

New Features and Fixed Defects apply to both applications, unless otherwise noted.

New Features

  • Regime Library: A 'Read-Only' mode has been added so that a user can view the content of a regime when the regime has been opened and locked by another user.
  • Regime Library: Security permissions have been added to folders; these will be automatically-inherited by new regimes created within folders.
  • Security permissions for report templates: Permissions can be applied to report templates and folders in the Report Designer in the Configuration workspace. The permissions control a user's access to modify a template and to use it for generating reports. Folder permissions are inherited; you can use this feature to set default permission settings which new report templates will automatically inherit.
  • Hierarchy 'Copy Settings From' function: Added an option to include the projects' Scenario Consolidation Settings in the copy operation.
  • Result Set calculations - Price sensitivities: Added the ability to sensitize on Price Deck prices (this can be used for Standard and Sensitivity Result Sets).
  • Regime module function library: Added the function GetPriceScenarioName() which returns the price scenario name used in the result set run that is being calculated.
  • Regime module function library: Added the function GetProjectScenarioName() which returns the project scenario name that is being calculated.
  • Result Set calculations: A new calculation mode has been added which implements a type of unweighted ringfencing. If the application tenant setting 'EnableUnweightedRingFenceMode' is set to True then all users of the tenant will be able to use an extra option 'Align scenarios (unweighted)' when a ringfenced calculation is selected (available for Standard Result Sets and Sensitivity Result Sets); in this mode the inputs to the ringfences are not risked before entering the ringfence calculation.
  • Lock Management: The list of locked entities (project, regime, etc.) is now filtered according to the access permissions of the current user for each locked item; the user will not be able to view entities for which they are not granted 'Read' access. (This means that the 'Locks' role can safely be granted to users with restricted access to Economics/Financials data).
  • Result Set calculations: The naming scheme for exported calculation spreadsheets has been changed to deal with issues that users were experiencing with filenames that were exceeding the length limit allowed in Windows.
  • Clone Hierarchy function copies hierarchy permissions: the function has been modified to copy all of the user/workgroup permissions settings from the source hierarchy.
  • Global price decks: Security permissions have been added to folders in the Price Management interface; these will be automatically-inherited by new decks or folders created within a parent folder.
  • Sensitivity Result Set calculations- Project Variable Sensitivities setting: The 'Select Sensitivity Types' dialog now includes a 'Search' field for variable names, and a 'Regime' field to filter for variables that are used that are used in one specific regime in the hierarchy.
  • Incremental groups: Added the ability to include projects with different project scenario weightings within the same incremental group (the 'Back Allocation' option must be enabled in the Incremental Settings).

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Fixed an issue that was causing incorrect output of the TotalBack() function when applied within a ringfence.
Dataflow integration: Fixed a bug that was causing an 'OutOfMemory' exception error when 4 entity types had been selected in the link configuration.
Sensitivity Result Sets:  Indicator discount rates were being displayed in the UI and output charts without decimal places. This has now been corrected to display the rate as it has been defined.
Result Set and Scratchpad calculations: Fixed an issue in error handling that could occur when a correctly-configured calculation was being affected by a regime modification which had changed the data type of a variable. (In the new calculation logic, the data type mis-match is detected and a new project input variable will be created instead.)
Dataflow integration - link configuration: Fixed incorrect permissions logic that was causing the list of available entity types displayed to a user to not match with the user's effective access permissions.
Result Set reporting: Fixed a bug in permissions handling that was causing an error in generating a variance report, when the hierarchy permissions were being enforced.
Dataflow integration: Fixed a bug in the cloning operation which was causing a cloned hierarchy not to refresh correctly when its Dataflow link's selected Version was changed.
Dataflow integration - Pivot & Aggregate: Fixed an issue that was causing errors in data synchronization, in cases where a large number of folders in the Economics hierarchy were being processed (redundant data caching is now optimized).
Dataflow integration - Pivot & Aggregate: Fixed a bug that was occurring when a Dataflow variable was mapped to multiple Economics variables but only one of the variables was being synchronized by the link.

Planning Space Portfolio

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Fixed a bug in saving and opening PPLAN files where invalid XML characters in project data were not handled correctly.