Planning Space 16.5 Update 17 Release Notes

RELEASE DATE: 15 February 2022

Important: Mandatory database upgrades for the IPS Common and Tenant databases are required for this update. The upgrade programs will grow the SQL Server logs due to creation of recovery log data; it is recommended to temporarily switch the database Recovery Model setting to 'Simple' in order to avoid potential disk space overflow during the upgrade.

Updates are based on full installations of Planning Space. All changes in previous Updates are included in the latest Update.

Note for installation: if the Planning Space installer fails to complete when installing "in place" (i.e., when a previous version of Planning Space is still installed), it is important to completely uninstall the previous version and to reboot the server machine before using the installer again. This is because the Windows OS may have pending installations (i.e., they are deferred to the next reboot) that are interfering with the Planning Space installation.

Installation changes: This release uses a new installer platform based on the WiX Toolset. There is now a single, unified EXE file for installing any of: Planning Space (IPS) server; Planning Space client application; CX Suite client applications; LP Solver service. For the updated installation instructions see the Deployment Guide.

Important requirement change: To use the updated software the ".NET Framework 4.8 Runtime" (or a later version) must be installed on all IPS Server machines, and on all client machines that run the Planning Space client software. The WiX installer program will automatically check if the .NET upgrade is required and carry it out.

Code changes for API processing: This release completes the upgrade of the Planning Space HTTP services (these handle the processing of the Web and OData APIs, as used by external applications and internally for Planning Space/CX client-server communications), which has been implemented in phases across several releases. Code based on OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET, has been upgraded to use ASP.NET Core (

Firewall configuration changes are required due to the HTTP services upgrade, see the details below.

Planning Space (IPS)

New Features

  • New installer platform for Planning Space and CX Suite based on the WiX Toolset. There is now a unified EXE file for the Planning Space or CX server and client installs, as well as the LP Solver install.
  • This release completes the upgrade (implemented in phases across several releases) of the Planning Space HTTP services. As part of this change, the WCF-based application services have been separated from the web services, resulting in 3 new IPS modules (Dataflow WCF Service, Economics WCF Service, Financials WCF Service) which each require new port assignments for inter-server communication (the defaults are: 9145, 9146, 9147, 9245, 9246, 9247) and these ports must be set open on any firewall that exists between the IPS server machines in a cluster.
  • An alert message can be displayed to users during login (to warn about planned system events, for example). It is set by a new Planning Space application tenant setting 'Login Alert Message'.
  • Added full support for the use of Microsoft Azure SQL PaaS to run the IPS Common and Tenant databases.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space Deployment Guide .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
PowerShell cmdlets 'SetTenantAwsCloudStorage' and 'SetTenantAzureCloudStorage': The use of 'true' and 'false' string values as inputs to Boolean parameters has been blocked, these do not work correctly if used. Note: while other cmdlets will not block the string values they should not be used - always use the Boolean inputs (0, 1, $true, $false).
Fixed a bug that was causing an error when editing a workgroup in a clustered deployment (multiple IPS servers).
Fixed an issue that was causing IPS cluster communication to fail, due to a Windows Server OS change that was made in the January 2022 Microsoft Windows update.
Fixed several bugs in the PlanningSpaceDataflow API, which could cause exception errors in clustered deployments.
Upgraded the CefSharp browser component in Planning Space to the latest stable version v97. This fixes an issue that was affecting SAML authentication and SSO, due to a bug in CefSharp v93.

Planning Space Dataflow

New Features

  • Planning Space Anonymizer add-on tool: The setting 'Anonymize version names and history' has been split into two separate settings for 'version names' and 'document history'.
  • Load from Enersight tool: Added the ability to create and/or apply a scenario tag with the same name as the named scenario.
  • Load from Enersight tool: Enersight outcome names are now used as scenario names by default, when importing into named scenarios.
  • Users with 'Read-only' permission for a version will no longer be able to add or remove revision tags to any document within the version.  'Full Access' permission is needed to modify revision tags.
  • Load from Database and Load from Excel tools: When the 'Destination Dataflow Hierarchy Node' selection screen is opened, the version selector now defaults to the version that is active.
  • Load from Economics tool: A validation check has been added that will warn the user when the currency deck used in the load does not match the currency deck set in the destination document.
  • Load from Economics tool: The price deck name used in a Result Set calculation can now be mapped by the loader.
  • Load from Database tool: The tool now supports the use of Windows authentication when the Server Side Load option is used.
  • Version Manager: Users will only be able to select price decks that they have permission to read.
  • When assigning prices to product streams in documents (either from the hierarchy or inside the document), the dropdown selector for price streams will only show prices for which the user has Read permission for the related Price Group in the hierarchy Price Deck.

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Data Aggregator hierarchy tool: Fixed a bug that was causing an aggregated value with incorrect unit size in a parent document if there were no values saved in the parent document prior to aggregation.
Fixed a bug that was causing the variable unit system, unit scale and currency default settings in the document template to be ignored.
PlanningSpace Data Connector: Fixed a bug that was causing the scenario name to be extracted into the scenario tag column when performing an Extract operation in Ad hoc mode.
Economics/Dataflow integration (Pivot & Aggregate): Fixed a bug that was causing incorrect transformation of variables in the case where a Dataflow document template was set to 'Nominal' but a document instance of that template had a variable which was set to 'Real'.
Load from Database tool: Fixed a bug that was causing an exception error when trying to update documents using the 'Update document using identifier' option, if the loader was run on a version that had been copied from another version without calculating the documents.

Planning Space Economics and Financials

New Features and Fixed Defects apply to both applications, unless otherwise noted.

New Features

  • Dataflow integration: Revision Tag data from linked Dataflow documents is now stored in projects and can be processed in Result Set calculations.
  • Regime Spreadsheets: Added functionality to assign values to individual projects in ringfence calculations that are performed within Excel spreadsheets.
  • Dataflow integration: for the link configuration, the list of entity types shown to a user will only show entities for which the user has been granted 'Read' permission.
  • Sensitivity Result Sets: The 'Indicator' variable selector now includes the Discount Rate information taken from the configured Currency & Discounting preset (this removes the need to do a separate lookup for information when configuring Aliases).
  • Dataflow integration 'Pivot and Aggregate' link: Added a filter option for source documents (as already available for the Default link).
  • Manage Hierarchies table: new 'Copy Table' context menu action copies all table data to the system clipboard; it can be pasted as tabular data to an external application (e.g., a spreadsheet).
  • Report template editor: Added pseudo-variables to access the Revision Tag data from linked Dataflow documents ('Revision Tag', 'Revision Date', 'Was Linked to Dataflow').
  • When assigning prices to projects in the hierarchy, the dropdown selector for price streams now has a search box so that the list can be filtered using substring matching (i.e., the prices shown in the list will be only those that contain the specified string of characters anywhere in the price name).
  • Global Price Deck security: Permissions can be applied to each Price Deck in the global configuration.
  • Global Price Deck security: Permissions can be applied to price groups within global Price Decks.
  • Hierarchy security: Added permissions for price groups within hierarchy price decks. These permissions replace the document-level price deck permissions which were introduced in Update 15.
  • Query Builder: Added an optional filter on the variables list when a result set is selected. If used, only variables that are used in the result set will be included.
  • Dataflow integration: When a configured Revision Tag is not referenced for any Dataflow document in the synchronization then a fatal 'Sync Error' used to be triggered. This change demotes such events to warnings only,
  • Query Builder: Improved display of Result Set data as a tree view, and added search functionality.
  • Regime editor - Project Template: Added pseudo-variables to access the Revision Tag data from linked Dataflow documents ('Revision Tag', 'Revision Date', "Linked to Dataflow').

For more information about these changes, see the Planning Space User Manual .

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Permissions configuration dialog (Economics/Financials):  Fixed a UI bug in "View Effective Permissions" where the Delete permission could have both 'Allow' and 'Deny' checked at the same time.
Result Set calculation debugger: Fixed an issue that could cause the debugger not to work when a module was ringfenced.
Result Set reporting: Fixed a bug that could cause the spurious date "12/3000" to appear in the report configuration screen when the report End Date was set to "Project Economic Limit".
Result Set calculations: Fixed inconsistent behavior in the handling of project validation for ringfenced or non-ringfenced projects. The non-ringfenced case was causing calculations to stall and fail later due to timeout errors. Now in both cases the calculation will fail immediately with a validation error.
Dataflow integration (Pivot & Aggregate): Fixed a bug that was causing incorrect real currency values in destination projects during data synchronization.
Dataflow integration - Pivot & Aggregate link: Fixed an issue where data synchronization was failing due to a scalar datetime value in a Dataflow source document that was outside the allowed date range for SQL datetime variables (i.e. less than 1/1/1753). The transform function has been modified to reset any value below the SQL valid minimum to a Null value.
Result Set calculation - Contract terms sensitivity: Fixed a bug which was including non-flexible terms when a non-default preset was used.
Improved the Economics Cluster Cleanup automatic process so that it cannot delete temporary folders for Result Set calculations that are running (folder deletion will cause the calculation to fail).

Planning Space Reserves (Reconciliation and Decline)

Fixed Defects

Description Support Ticket
Reconciliation: Fixed a bug that was preventing blank values to be loaded into text variables.