
Each role defines an ability to access a particular group of functions and/or change a group of configuration settings.

The set of roles is fixed, although the available roles can change in different release versions of Planning Space. Roles cannot be added, deleted or renamed. Changes can only be made to the 'Allowed' or 'Denied' status of workgroups for each role. The Administrators workgroup is automatically 'Allowed' access to all of the roles.

The Roles management screen can be accessed in the Tenant Web: Click the Apps Grid menu button Bento button at the top left and select Security, then click the Roles button at the left-hand side (access is restricted to Administrator users).

Alternatively, to access roles management in Planning Space Desktop, click Security in the Navigation menu, and Roles in the Security top menu (access is restricted to Administrator users, and to user accounts which have been granted the role 'Security/Security').


Editing roles

To view and edit the settings for a role, click a role name. This opens up an edit pane Assign Application Roles. For example:


The role that is being edited will be highlighted in blue. Click the X button at the top right corner to close the edit pane.

There are two control buttons, which become activated when you have made an edit. Click the Save button to save the changes that you have made. Click the Discard changes button to undo any unsaved changes.

Allowed or Denied workgroups

In the edit pane, you can set each workgroup to be 'Allowed' or 'Denied' or neither. The effective rule for user access to a role is that 'Denied trumps Allowed', so if a user is Allowed the role by one or more workgroup(s), but is Denied the role by at least one workgroup, then the role will be Denied.

Note: You can also edit the Role memberships for a single workgroup, in the Roles tab of the Workgroups edit pane.

Export the Roles settings

Use the Export as CSV button to save a local file containing the role settings. The CSV output contains a column 'Application name' which is the same as the 'Role Category' as shown in the table below).

Table of roles

Role Category Role Name Description Default Allowed workgroups (None if blank)
Security Security Allows a user to manage Users, Workgroups, Roles, and Security Settings SecurityAdministrators
Security API Key Allows a user to generate and utilize an API key for Planning Space API requests  
Configuration Audit Logs Allows access to the Audit Log in the Planning Space web interface, or in the Dataflow Configuration workspace  
Configuration Currencies Allows a user to configure Currencies  
Configuration Prices Allows a user to configure Prices  
Configuration Reports - Print Allows access to print functions in the Planning Space application Everyone
Dataflow Dashboard Map Allows a user to configure Dashboard Maps (This feature is not available in version 20.3)  
Dataflow Document Templates and Variables Allows a user to configure Document Type Templates and Variables  
Dataflow Documents - Cancel Edit Allows a user to perform the Cancel edits for all users action in the Manage Data workspace (New in Version 20)  
Dataflow Documents - Manage Economics Settings Allows a user to specify the Economics settings used by a Document  
Dataflow Documents - Manage Inflation Date Allows a user to modify the inflation date settings in a document (Renamed in Version 20 from 'Documents - Manage Currency Settings' in 16.5) Everyone
Dataflow Documents - Manage Scenarios Allows a user to manage the Scenarios within a Document Everyone
Dataflow Documents - Manage Start Year and Duration Settings Allows a user to specify the date settings used by a Document (Renamed in Version 20 from 'Documents - Manage Date Settings' in 16.5) Everyone
Dataflow Documents - Manage Well Links Allows a user to manage links between Decline Wells and Dataflow Documents (This feature is not used in version 20.3)  
Dataflow Hierarchy - Change To Allows a user to change the Node Type of a Document (This feature is not available in version 20.3) Everyone
Dataflow Hierarchy - Move, Delete, Rename Allows a user to move, delete and rename a Document within a Version Everyone
Dataflow Lists Allows a user to configure Lists  
Dataflow Manage Data Allows a user access to the Manage Data workspace Everyone
Dataflow Manage Enersight Connections Allows a user to manage Enersight Connections  
Dataflow Manage Scenario list Allows a user to configure the Scenarios list (New in Version 20)  
Dataflow Reports - Design Allows a user to design reports  
Dataflow Reports - Run Allows a user to run reports Everyone
Dataflow Revisions Apply and Remove Tags Allows the user to apply and remove revision tags in the Manage Data workspace  
Dataflow Tags Allows a user to configure Tags  
Dataflow Templates Unlock Allows a user to unlock Document Type Templates  
Dataflow Versions Allows a user to manage Versions  
Dataflow Workflows - Design Allows a user to design Workflows (This feature is not available in version 20.3)  
Dataflow Workflows - Terminate Allows a user to terminate a Workflow (This feature is not available in version 20.3)  
Economics Access Allows a user access to the Economics application  
Economics Audit Logs Allows a user access to the Audit Log in the Economics Configuration workspace  
Economics Dataflow Links Allows a user to manage links between Dataflow Documents and Economics Projects  
Economics Global Settings Allows a user to configure the global Companies and Project Scenarios  
Economics Hierarchy Currencies - Configure Allows a user to configure Hierarchy Currencies Everyone
Economics Hierarchy Currencies - View Allows a user to view Hierarchy Currencies Everyone
Economics Hierarchy Prices - Configure Allows a user to configure Hierarchy Prices Everyone
Economics Hierarchy Prices - View Allows a user to view Hierarchy Prices Everyone
Economics Locks Allows a user to unlock Economics entities  
Economics Manage Hierarchies Allows a user to manage Hierarchies  
Economics Regime Library Allows a user to access the Regime Library  
Economics Regime Spreadsheets Allows a user to use the option 'Preserve Calculated Spreadsheets' for storing calculation spreadsheets in Result Set calculations. File save location is set by the Economics application tenant setting 'CalculationSpreadsheetSharedFolder'.  
Economics Reports - Design Allows a user to design Economics Reports  
Financials Access Allows a user access to the Financials application  
Financials Audit Logs Allows a user access to the Audit Log in the Financials Configuration workspace  
Financials Dataflow Links Allows a user to manage links between Dataflow Documents and Financials Projects  
Financials Global Settings Allows a user to configure the global Project Scenarios  
Financials Hierarchy Currencies - Configure Allows a user to configure Hierarchy Currencies Everyone
Financials Hierarchy Currencies - View Allows a user to view Hierarchy Currencies Everyone
Financials Locks Allows a user to unlock Financials entities  
Financials Manage Hierarchies Allows a user to manage Hierarchies  
Financials Regime Library Allows a user to access the Regime Library  
Financials Regime Spreadsheets Allows a user to use the option 'Preserve Calculated Spreadsheets' for storing calculation spreadsheets in Result Set calculations. File save location is set by the Financials application tenant setting 'CalculationSpreadsheetSharedFolder'.  
Financials Reports - Design Allows a user to design Financials Reports  
Portfolio Access Allows a user access to the Portfolio module  
Portfolio Administration Allows a user access to view and change permissions on all Portfolios ( not used in the PlanningSpace Portfolio application; used for integration with Quorum Portfolio)  
Portfolio Optimization Allows a user to run Portfolio optimization ( not used in the PlanningSpace Portfolio application; used for integration with Quorum Portfolio)