What's new in Portfolio 16.5

Release 16.5 Update 15 (version 16.5.15)

Project Dependencies change

The shift periods for dependent projects are now allowed to be negative, so that a child project may be set to start before the parent project. See Project dependencies.

Release 16.5 Update 5 (version 16.5.5)

New shifting option for project dependencies 'Disallow Child Project Shift Range Change'

If the option Disallow Child Project Shift Range Change is enabled then the child project shift min/max values will not be changed when the parent project is shifted, and the parent project shift will be constrained by both the parent and child projects’ shift min/max values. See Project dependencies.

Release 16.5 (version 16.5.0)

There are no feature changes in this release.

Note: There are two new roles 'Portfolio/Administration' and 'Portfolio/Optimization'. These have been added for ongoing integration work with the Aucerna Portfolio application. The roles are not used in Planning Space Portfolio.