About screen

The About screen provides access to diagnostic information which you may require for the purpose of troubleshooting Planning Space software issues.

To open it, click the About button About button in the Navigation menu (see Navigation).

The About screen will be displayed as shown below. If an application has not been launched in your current Planning Space session then its icon will be grayed out:


Click the X button to close the screen.

Support Info

Click Support Info to open a window showing configuration and diagnostic information for Planning Space. The tabs that appear here will be for those applications which have been launched in your current Planning Space session.


Click the Save to File... button to copy all of the information (from all of the tabs) into a text file.

System Info

Click the System Info button to launch the Windows System Information tool, which shows detailed information about the hardware and software setup of your machine. Some of this information may be needed in case of diagnosing a software issue in Planning Space.