Calculation Phases
The most basic aspect of the calculation process is that modules are calculated in a sequence: top-to-bottom and left-to-right. Calculation phases are used to divide the calculation sequence into blocks of modules. Calculations will be completed for all periods before crossing to the next phase.
In the example below, number labels have been added to the modules to show their order of calculation:
In the canvas, the calculation phases are separated by blue vertical lines which also show the phase name.
The phases have two purposes. The first is to force the system to complete all calculation periods for that phase before proceeding to the next phase. This ensures that when a new phase is started the results for all time periods for the previous phases will be available. The second purpose is to tell the system when to trigger specific calculations.
Add a calculation phase
To add a new calculation phase to a regime:
- Select the regime Designer tab, then click the New Phase button
on the ribbon.
- In the New Calculation Phase dialog, enter the name of the new phase and click OK.
- The new phase separator will be appear on the canvas on the right and after the last existing phase.
- To move the phase separator to a different position, click it and drag with the mouse.
- You can now start to add modules to to the new phase.
Default phases
The typical phases used in Financials regimes are as follows. Only the 'End' phase is included by default and it cannot be removed.
- Preparation
- Abandonment
- Construction
- Completion
- End (this phase cannot be renamed or deleted from the canvas)