Custom units of measurement

This topic only applies to version 16.5 Update 33 and later.

For earlier versions see Create custom units.

Custom units are defined as 'presets', and managed with the Custom Unit Manager. Presets can be created in the Manager and then can be applied to variables from the units selector in the variables editor tools. Hence identical custom unit settings can be applied to multiple variables.

Important: Preset contents cannot be changed after the initial creation (however preset names can be changed).

Manage the custom unit presets

See Manage custom unit presets.

Apply a custom unit preset to a variable

Open the variable for editing in either the single variable editor or the Variable Edit window - see Edit variables.

In either case, click the ellipsis button in the Units selection field/column:

Units ellipsis button

The Unit Definition window will be displayed. Using the Select Unit dropdown selector, select the required Custom Unit preset, listed by name.

The list shown will contain all of the system units and custom unit presets combined and ordered alphanumerically (note: there is no marker to identify which are custom units).

Variables editor - selecting a custom unit

Click OK in the dialog to save and apply the units change, or click Cancel to close the dialog with no changes.