Add working interest categories

To simulate farm in/out situations or complicated contracts, you can set up separate working interest shares for different variable categories. This can be useful in a scenario where, for example, there is a joint venture between two companies, Company A is responsible for 40% and Company B for 60% of the exploration capital, but all other costs and revenues are divided between them in the proportion of 80% to 20% respectively.

To set up separate category shares:

  1. In the Manage Inputs workspace, open a project and navigate to its Settings tab. The Working Interest Shares panel will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  2. The WI Shares panel

  3. In the Working Interest window, click the Add Category The Add Category button button on the ribbon.
  4. The Add Category dialog will open.
  5. The Add Category window

    Select a category and click OK.

  6. A new tab named after the selected group will appear next to the Default tab.
  7. New WI Category added

  8. Switch to the new tab and specify the working interest. Changes to working interest will be applied to that category across the life of the project.

Note: If any partner's share is 0% for a particular category, it is recommended to leave this partner on the diagram with the share of 0%. If you delete this partner, it will be removed from the working interest setup completely.