Contract terms sensitivity

Important: Contract terms sensitivity is only available in version 16.5 Update 13 and later.

For version 16.5 Update 24 and later: Term Variables Sensitivities are inherited from the parent node, or overridden, at every node in the calculation hierarchy (in the same way as for the Project Sensitivities and Economic Limit settings). By default, the Inherit terms variables from parent node check boxes are enabled, and the setting for the top-level 'Corporate Rollup' folder will be inherited by all other nodes.

This feature allows for Terms variables to be sensitized, and it can be used with both Standard Result Sets and Sensitivity Result Sets.

The sensitivities are regime-specific (so that, for example, tax rates sensitivity can be set differently for each regime). The Term variables can be set as 'Overridden' per each scenario. By default they will be set as 'Hierarchy', i.e., whatever Terms configuration has been set in the input hierarchy will be used for that sensitivity scenario.

Note: only Term variables that are flagged as 'Flexible' in the regime configuration will be accessible.

Term Variables Sensitivities for Standard Result Sets

The sensitivities are set using the input table within each Run tab. For example:

StandardRS-Term Variables Sensitivities

For version 16.5 Update 24 and later: Term Variables Sensitivities are inherited from the parent node, or can be overridden. Use the Inherit terms variables from parent node option to inherit the setting (it is enabled by default).

Use the Apply this to all runs button to copy the settings of the selected run to all of the other runs.

Use the Reset all child nodes button to force the current node's settings onto all of its child nodes, that is they will have their Inherit terms variables from parent node box enabled and any individual settings will be lost.

To add a regime to the table, click in the area labelled Click here to add new item, and select one regime in the Select Regime dialog. You can use the Search box to filter for regime names by sub-string matching.

You can replace a regime in the table by clicking the regime name, which reveals a ellipsis button ...; click this button and select a different regime in the dialog. To remove a regime from the table, click its Remove button, and confirm the deletion in the dialog.

For each regime, click the Terms icon in the 'Terms' column. This opens a dialog Override Regime <REGIME_NAME> Contract Terms:


Click one of the Term Modules, which shows a list of its terms variables. To override, check the Overridden box, and edit the variable's values as required. If a module has overridden terms then its name appears in bold face in the list on the left. One or many variables can be overridden as needed When the terms variables editing is complete, click the OK button in the dialog.

The overridden variable(s) will be applied to all projects using that regime overriding any hierarchy node setting (including push downs, etc.). This value will take precedence over all others. Any variable not set as overridden will use the hierarchy configuration (including push downs, etc.) in the calculations.

The project selection filter to exclude projects from sensitivity does not limit the Term Sensitivities: all projects will use whatever terms have been overridden for the sensitivity scenarios.

Term Variables Sensitivities for Sensitivity Result Sets

The input table appears after the table for Project Variables Sensitivities. For example:

SensitivityRS-Term Variables Sensitivities

To add a regime to the table, click in the area labelled Click here to add new item, and select one regime in the Select Regime dialog. You can use the Search box to filter for regime names by sub-string matching.

You can replace a regime in the table by clicking the regime name, which reveals a ellipsis button ...; click this button and select a different regime in the dialog. To remove a regime from the table, click its Remove button, and confirm the deletion in the dialog.

For each regime the Group identifies the sensitivity group for those sensitivities. By default, the group name is set to be the same as the the regime name. Sensitivities for different regimes can be members of the same group (for example, in case of a Tax Rate that is being sensitized for different regimes), and in combination with groups in the Project Variables sensitivities and Price/Currency sensitivities. The sensitvity groups act across all sensitivity types.

To modify the sensitivities for a regime, click the grey ellipsis button ... which opens the dialog Override Regime <REGIME_NAME> Contract Terms:


For each scenario, set the Sensitivity Option as '<Hierarchy>' or '<Overridden>', and edit the Display Factor if required.

For scenarios that are '<Overridden>', you can click the Terms icon to open the Term Modules dialog where the individual Term variables can be overridden (as shown in the screenshot above).