
The following table describes buttons in the Map tab on the ribbon. This tab is opened when you select a map in a document.

Button Function
Add button Adds a new layer to the map.
Edit button Opens a dialog where you can edit settings of the selected layer.
Delete button Deletes the selected layer and all objects placed in it.
Point button Allows you to draw a point on the map (see Draw a point).
Line button Allows you to draw a line on the map (see Draw a line).
Polygon button Allows you to draw a polygon on the map (see Draw a polygon).
Other button Allows you to add a map object by directly entering WKT data.
Shapefile button Opens a dialog where you can select a shapefile to load into the map (see Import shapefiles).
Map Type Sets the type of map information that is displayed. The options are: Physical, Street, Shaded, Ocean, Imagery, Terrain Base, Topographic.