Enersight mapping template

Mapping templates establish the correspondence between data to be imported from Enersight, and the variables and settings of Dataflow documents.

Template management

Template management options can be accessed by clicking the down arrow next to ther Edit template ... button. The following table describes the options in the dropdown menu.

Option Description
New Template Creates a new template.
Edit Template Opens the selected template for editing.
Rename Template Enter a new name for the selected template.
Delete Template Deletes the selected template.
Import Template Imports a template from a specified local file.
Export Template Exports the template as a local file ('.XET' format).

Create a new template

To create a new template, select the New Template option from the menu. In the New Template dialog, enter the name in the New Name field. To copy mappings from an existing template, check the Copy from box and select the source template from the list.

To open the new template for editing, make sure that the template is selected in the Mapping Template field, and select Edit Template from the menu. The Template Mappings window will be opened.

General Settings

Field Description
Enersight settings: Profile template Select one of the Enersight profiles. This will determine a Variable Definition Set which contains the Enersight variable names that are going to be mapped in the other tabs of the template (see below). See Enersight export settings.
Dataflow settings: Node type to update Select a node type.
Dataflow settings: Outcome weighting mapping Select a destination variable for the mapping.

Enersight Metric Mappings

Specifies the mappings of Enersight Metric variables to Dataflow Time Series variables.

Enersight Scalar Mappings

Specifies the mappings of Enersight scalar variables to Dataflow scalar variables.

Enersight Attribute Mappings

Specifies the mappings of Enersight attributes to Dataflow scalar variables.

Currency Deck Settings

On this tab you specify the currency deck to be used. The default is <Use Document's Currency Deck>. Otherwise, use the Currency decks dropdown to select a currency deck, and then select one revision from the Currency deck revisions dropdown.

You also need to specify the Inflation date.