List permissions

The permissions feature for lists is available in version 16.5 Update 13 and later.

These permissions work separately from the role-based permission (role 'Dataflow/Lists') which controls user access to the Lists management screen.

When a user creates a new list, that user will be granted Full Access permissions; these are also granted (and not modifiable) to Administrator user accounts. No permissions are granted to any other user accounts by default.

Permissions can be granted to user accounts, and to workgroups. It is recommended to grant permissions only to one or several workgroups, and then manage user access by editing user membership of the workgroup(s).

Permission types

The permission types are:

  • Read: user can view the list in the List management screen and see its contents as 'read only'.
  • Update: user can edit or re-name the list in the List management screen.
  • Delete: user can delete the list in the List management screen.
  • Assign: user can edit the permissions of the list.

'Read' permission and using lists within documents

Modifying a list assigned in a template or a ScalarString variable

When a user assigns a list in a template or variable, only the lists for which the user has 'Read' permission will be displayed in the set of available lists.

When a template/variable has a list already assigned, and the user does not have 'Read' permission for it, the list appears with the name masked as <Restricted Access>, and the user cannot edit the Filter that is applied to the list.

Modifying a Dataflow document

The list permissions do not affect users accessing the content of lists in dropdown selectors while editing a document; the usual hierarchy and document-level permissions will apply for the user to view/edit that document.

Editing permissions

To edit the permissions for a list (this requires the 'Assign' permission to be granted), select the list in the left-hand side of the Lists screen, and click Permissions in the Lists tab on the ribbon (or alternatively, use the right-click context menu).