Applications settings


This page describes configuration settings for the Planning Space and CX Suite applications, as they are controlled from IPS Manager.

For settings that can be made at the level of individual client users, IPS Manager controls the default value that clients will inherit, and whether clients are allowed to make changes from the default.

For application settings as they are controlled by Tenant administrators or client users, see the Planning Space User Manual.

Important: You must click the 'Save all changes' button at the top of the page to store the settings changes that you have made (the 'Discard changes' button can be used to undo changes if the 'Save all changes' button has not been pressed). Settings which have been changed from their default value appear in bold face. The 'Reset' button for each setting can be used to restore the default value (and click 'Save all changes' to perform the reset).

Overview of applications configuration

The following table summarises the different types of application setting.

Setting type Applies to Can be set by Location of setting controls PowerShell cmdlets
(Get-{NOUN} and Set-{NOUN})
Service setting All tenants and all server machines IPS Administrator Applications > {APPLICATION} > Advanced ApplicationServiceSetting
Server setting Server machine (all tenants) IPS Administrator Applications > {APPLICATION} > Advanced ApplicationServiceSetting
Tenant setting Tenant (all server machines) IPS Administrator Applications > {APPLICATION} > Advanced ApplicationServiceSetting
Tenant Administrator Tenant web interface (Settings)
Planning Space client (Tenant settings)
(Not applicable)
Client setting - scope 'Tenant' Application client for all users in a tenant IPS Administrator Applications > {APPLICATION} > Client settings (Scope: Tenant setting) ApplicationClientSetting
Client setting - scope 'User' Application client IPS Administrator Applications > {APPLICATION} > Client settings (Scope: User setting) (Note: IPS Administrator sets the default value for users, and can set the scope so that users cannot modify the value) ApplicationClientSetting
User Client application software (Note: only if setting is not locked by IPS Administrator) (Not applicable)

PowerShell cmdlets are available for IPS Administrators to Get, Set or Reset all types of settings. See IPS PowerShell module (Automation cmdlets).

The 'Server' settings are intended to allow adjustment for different server machine hardware resources, for example if a server machine in a cluster is provisioned with extra resources for use as a 'large job' server. However most of these server-specific settings are located in the IPS Manager 'Servers' screen (see Servers configuration).

Client settings and scope

Each client setting has a scope, that is whether it is a 'User setting' which can be modified by the user of an application client, or it is a 'Tenant setting' which can only be modified by an IPS Administrator and has the same setting for all users in a tenant.

There is a default scope (User or Tenant) for each client setting, which is recorded in the tables below.

For some settings, the scope is changeable by an IPS Administrator. This possibility is marked in the tables below in the 'Scope change?' column, where the values are 'Yes', or blank meaning 'No'.

If a scope is changeable, an IPS administrator can do this:

  • in the IPS Manager web user interface: click the 'Edit' button for a setting, and use the buttons to switch between 'Always default to this setting' (for Tenant setting) or 'Allow user to change default setting' (for User setting);
  • using the PowerShell cmdlet Set-ApplicationClientSetting to set the value of 'IsUserScope' to 0 (for Tenant setting) or 1 (for User setting).

Client settings have a 'ConfigFile' attribute, which is recorded in the top row of each table of settings (below). You will need to use this attribute string to get or set client settings using the PowerShell cmdlets, or using the IPS Admin API.

Basic settings (for each application)

Use the 'Basic' tab in the settings screen for each application - which is accessed from the main 'Applications' screen (click 'Applications' in the left-hand menu).

These application settings apply to all tenants and all server machines in a cluster.

Diagnostics settings

These two settings control the level of logging data which is recorded.

Important: For an IPS Server cluser, log files are written separately on each server machine, based on the processes and events which occur only on that machine. There is no merging of log file content between the server machines.

Setting name Description
Main log level The level of logging can be set to one of the following options (in order of increasing detail): Error, Warning, Info, Trace. Default value is Info. The log file location is set for each server machine with the 'LogFolder' setting, in the 'Servers' screen, 'Advanced' section.
Event log level The level of logging can be set to one of the following options (in order of increasing detail): Error, Warning, Info, Trace. Default value is Info. These log messages appear in the Windows Event Viewer for each server machine.


Application launch link setting

This setting can be used to modify the behaviour of the application's 'Launch' button in the tenant web interface. For example, to do a redirection to Intranet, or a hosted application portal, or launch an ICA or RDP file.

PlanningSpace application settings

Service settings

No settings for PlanningSpace.

Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

No settings for PlanningSpace.

Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All
Preview Web Features General Enable the preview features in the PlanningSpace web application. Preview features may be changed or removed in a future release False Boolean
Enable Developer Options General Enable the developer options in the PlanningSpace web application. Developer features may be changed or removed in a future release False Boolean
Login Alert Message General (Added in version 16.5 Update 17) An alert message to be displayed to users during login. Blank setting means that no message is displayed. Blank Text string of 300 characters maximum


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: PlanningSpace application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   Relative URI for the user manual 'PlanningSpace/Help' path string
EnforceKerberosAuthentication Tenant   If True, enforce Kerberos authentication between the PlanningSpace client application and the IPS server False Boolean


Dataflow application settings

Service settings

Service Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
BulkDocumentUpdateBatchSize Bulk Document Update Sets the number of documents to be processed as a batch when performing a bulk document update operation. None Integer
Cluster Temp Cleanup Period Cluster Temp Cleanup Sets how often the cleanup job should run 00:01:00 days:hours:minutes (00:00:00) in the range 00:01:00 to 01:00:00
Cluster Temp Cleanup File Age Cluster Temp Cleanup Sets how old a file should be to be removed 05:00:00 days:hours:minutes (00:00:00) in the range 00:12:00 to 07:00:00
Allowed Mapping Templates Database Loader Comma-delimited string of template identifiers for 'Load from Database' mapping templates that are allowed to run with the Server Side Load option using IPS service account credentials for Windows domain authentication (this setting only applies to the Database Loader Simple Import API). Setting added in version 16.5 Update 17. Empty Comma-delimited string
DeclineWellRequestNodeThreshold Decline Sets the threshold for the maximum number of well hierarchy nodes to load per request 50000 1 to 100000
HierarchyRequestNodeCountThreshold General Sets the threshold for the number of nodes to preload 50000 1 to 100000
MinFreeDiskSpace General Minimum free disk space required in MB 1024  
IntegrationServicesIsServiceEnabled IntegrationServices If True, enable Integration Services True Boolean
IntegrationServicesMaxDocumentPageSize IntegrationServices Determines the maximum number of documents per page when returning data from the Dataflow 'Documents' endpoint ('PlanningSpaceDataflow/Data/V1/Documents'). This setting does not affect the page size for OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). 2000 Any 32-bit integer value; recommended range 10 to 5000
IntegrationServicesRemoteErrorsEnabled IntegrationServices Set to True to provide more detailed error messages during troubleshooting/testing. It should be set to False during normal operation. None Boolean or None
ODataWideAndTallTableMaxRowsPerRequest IntegrationServices Maximum number of rows per page when requesting 'wide' and 'tall' tables in OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). This setting and several other factors will determine the actual page size used for an API request (see Integration Services (OData) for an explanation of the page size algorithm). Using the 'pagesize' API parameter will override this setting. The recommended value for this setting depends on server resources and typical loading: better API performance (by returning larger pages of data) requires more resource usage (more memory and CPU will be occupied). 10000 Any 32-bit integer value; recommended range 1000 to 200000 (but highly dependent on server resources and load level)
Cleanup Period Log Cleanup Sets how often the cleanup job should run 00:01:00 days:hours:minutes (00:00:00)
File Mask(s) Log Cleanup Sets the list of masks for files to be removed DataflowDocumentUpdateJob_*.log List with semicolon ';' as delimiter
Remove Files Older Than Log Cleanup Sets how old a file should be to be removed 05:00:00 days:hours:minutes (00:00:00)
Remove Update Operations Logs Older Than Log Cleanup Sets how old an update operation log should be to be removed 14:00:00 days:hours:minutes (00:00:00)
Reconciliation clean up enabled Reconciliation Cleanup If True, a cleanup process will run periodically to remove 'soft deleted' reconciliation data from the tenant database False Boolean
Reconciliation clean up interval Reconciliation Cleanup Sets how often the reconciliation cleanup will run 21:00:00 days:hours:minutes in the range 1 day to 1000 days
Reconciliation clean up start date and time Reconciliation Cleanup Sets when the reconciliation cleanup will start (and repeating at the specified time interval). The datetime is in UTC 15/02/1987 02:00 dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm for years in the range 1500 to 3000
Reconciliation clean up timeout Reconciliation Cleanup Sets the timeout for the reconciliation cleanup in hours, i.e., the maximum time that the process will run 8 6 to 72
Minimum Reporting Free Memory Reporting Sets a threshold (in Mb): report generation will be automatically cancelled if the remaining machine memory is less than this value 1024 512 to 8192
ReportDataSize Reporting Sets the threshold for reporting dataset generation in KB (0 = no limit) 8000 0 or positive number
RunReportsIndependently Reporting If True, Dataflow report generation jobs are processed as individual reports in independent jobs. If False, all reports are generated in a single job and using the same dataset False Boolean
ReservesHierarchyRequestNodeThreshold Reserves Sets the threshold for the maximum number of reconciliation hierarchy nodes to load per request 60000 1 to 100000
ReservesReportDataSize Reserves Sets the threshold for Reserves Report dataset generation in KB (value 0 = unlimited) 8000 0 or positive number
Aggregation Data Cleanup Schedule System Maintenance Sets the run schedule for the cleanup job which removes the temporary aggregation data in Dataflow that are created by 'Pivot and Aggregate' Dataflow links running in Economics or Financials. The data must be older than a specified age to be deleted (see other setting). The setting should use a CRON expression (six field format with initial Seconds). The default value is 0 1 0 ? * SUN, i.e. to run every Sunday starting at 00:01:00. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 0 1 0 ? * SUN CRON expression
Remove Aggregation Data Older Than System Maintenance Sets how old (in days) aggregation data must be before it is removed by the scheduled cleanup job. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 5 3 to 30
WorkflowHandleRefreshInterval Workflow Interval to refresh the Workflow handle to the persistence store 30  
AutoClearLogs Workflow If True, automatically clear instance logs True Boolean


Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

Server Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
TemporaryIPSPath General Path used by IPS Server to store temporary files None File system path
MaxDegreeOfParallelism General Maximum degree of parallelism. If set to 0, the value (MaxLogicalCores - 1) will be used 0 Integer
TemporaryFilesFolder Workflow Path used by IPS Server to store temporary workflow files None File system path


Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All
Maximum Dashboard MapItems To Display Dashboard Maximum number of map objects to display in the Dashboard Map 500 0 to 10000
MaxSpreadsheetImportSize Documents Maximum spreadsheet file size allowed for importing, in KB None Number
Disable Economics Economics Integration Disable the connection to Economics False Boolean
Allowed File Upload Types Files List of file types that are allowed to be uploaded as attachments in a Dataflow document txt,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,jpg,png,gif,bmp Comma-separated list
Enable Server Side Load Loader Enables server-side loading for the Load from Database tool True Boolean
ReservesMailSender Reserves Sender email address for automated emails None Email address string
ReservesGasVolumeBoeConversionFactor Reserves Gas volume/BOE conversion factor None Number
ReservesDisplayAutomaticTotals Reserves If True, show calculated total columns for reserves product and economic variables True Boolean
WorkflowMailSender Workflow Sender email address for automated email messages None Email address string


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: Dataflow application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
StartPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative or absolute URI for the Start Page displayed in the Dataflow dashboard at log on. An absolute URI must be prefixed with 'http' or 'https' None URI string
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in all areas of the application apart from the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceDataflow/Help/' path string
AdminHelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceDataflow/Help/' path string
MemoryDumpType User Yes List of formats for the application memory dumps (use commas to separate, with no spaces) MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpNormal, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithFullMemory, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpFilterMemory, MiniDumpScanMemory, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules, MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory, MiniDumpFilterModulePaths, MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData, MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithCodeSegs, MiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory, MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory, MiniDumpWithTokenInformation
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
License.IsServerMode Tenant   This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.AllowModeChange Tenant   This sets whether the application client user can switch between the server and file licensing modes. If True, the client user's License Manager dialog will provide a selection box "License: [From License Server] / [From License File]" False Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile
DiagnosticLoggingEnabled Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 20 and later) If enabled the client-side log file will record additional diagnostic information. Only to be used during diagnostic investigations because calculation performance will be affected. False Boolean


Economics application settings

Service settings

Service Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
CalculationBatchSize Calculation The number of projects sent in one message for distributed processing 100 10 to 500
BuildCalculatorMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for building a non-ringfenced result set calculator 2 1 to 64
CurrencyConversionMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for currency conversion during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
PreCalculationCheckMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for pre-calculation checks during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
CalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for calculation processes during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
CalculationResultSetStrategy Calculation The 'BulkInsertion' method has a higher startup cost but is faster thereafter and it is usually more efficient for large result sets. The 'TableValuedParameter' method can be more efficient for small or medium-sized result sets. For both methods the number of projects written to the database in one call is determined by the CalculationBatchSize setting BulkInsertion BulkInsertion or TableValuedParameter
BulkInsertionRetryLimit Calculation Sets the number of times to retry the writing of calculation result data to the database; effective when CalculationResultSetStrategy is set to 'BulkInsertion'. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 25 0 integer 0 to 100
CalculationResponseSize Calculation Sets the number of project calculations after which progress is reported from the IPS distributed processing machine back to the IPS Server 10 1 to CalculationBatchSize
IncrementalsCalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for incrementals calculation process during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
IncrementalsResultsMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for incrementals calculation process saving the results into the Cluster Shared Temp Folder 2 1 to 64
RingfenceCalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for ringfence calculation process during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
RingfenceResultsMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for ringfence calculation process saving the results into the Cluster Shared Temp Folder 2 1 to 64
Cleanup Period Cluster Cleanup Sets how often the cleanup job should run 00:01:00 1 to 24 hours in format days:hours:minutes ('00:00:00')
Cleanup File Age Cluster Cleanup Sets how old a file must be before it is removed by the cleanup job 02:00:00 12 hours to 7 days in format days:hours:minutes ('00:00:00')
DocumentSyncBatchSize Dataflow/Economics Integration Sets the number of documents to be processed as a batch when performing Dataflow/Economics document synchronization 10 1 to 50
IntegrationServicesIsServiceEnabled IntegrationServices If True, enable Integration Services True Boolean
IntegrationServicesMaxProjectPageSize IntegrationServices Determines the maximum number of projects per page when requesting result set data [Setting is deleted in version 16.5 Update 13 and later] 1000 10 to 10000
IntegrationServicesMaxVariablePageSize IntegrationServices Determines the maximum number of variables per page when requesting result set data (using the endpoints '/Data/V1/ResultSets(id)/ResultSetRuns(runId)/Variables' and '/Data/V1/ResultSets(id)/ResultSetRuns(runId)/RunProjects(projectId)/Variables'). This setting does not affect the page size for OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). 50 10 to 10000
IntegrationServicesRemoteErrorsEnabled IntegrationServices Set to True to provide more detailed error messages during troubleshooting/testing. It should be set to False during normal operation. True Boolean
ODataWideAndTallTableMaxRowsPerRequest IntegrationServices Maximum number of rows per page when requesting 'wide' and 'tall' tables in OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). This setting and several other factors will determine the actual page size used for an API request (see Integration Services (OData) for an explanation of the page size algorithm). Using the 'pagesize' API parameter will override this setting. The recommended value for this setting depends on server resources and typical loading: better API performance (by returning larger pages of data) requires more resource usage (more memory and CPU will be occupied). 10000 Any 32-bit integer value; recommended range 1000 to 200000 (but highly dependent on server resources and load level)
SpreadsheetSizeLimit Spreadsheet Maximum allowed size in megabytes for a spreadsheet to be uploaded (the upload will fail if the size is exceeded) 4; changed to 6 in version 16.5 Update 17 and later 1 to 500
Aggregation Result Set Cleanup Schedule System Maintenance Sets the run schedule for the cleanup job which removes the temporary aggregation result sets created by the Dataflow Load from Economics tool; the data must be older than a specified age to be deleted (see other setting). The setting should use a CRON expression (six field format with initial Seconds). The default value is 0 1 0 ? * SUN, i.e. to run every Sunday starting at 00:01:00. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 0 1 0 ? * SUN CRON expression
Remove Aggregation Result Sets Older Than System Maintenance Sets how old (in days) an aggregation result set must be before it is removed by the scheduled cleanup job. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 5 3 to 30


Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

Server Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
SpreadsheetCacheLimit Spreadsheet Size in megabytes of the cache used for spreadsheet calculations; each job is given its own cache. If the cache size is exceeded, a spreadsheet calculation must wait for memory to be released before it can continue. Setting to 0 means that only one spreadsheet calculation can occur at a time. 50 0 to 2000


Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All
EnableUnweightedRingFenceMode Calculation If set to True, the ringfence calculation option Align Scenarios (unweighted) will be available to users. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 22. False Boolean
HierarchyLinkLimit Dataflow/Economics Integration The maximum number of Economics hierarchies that each Dataflow version can be linked to 3 1 to 10
MaximumNumberOfResultSetDebuggerProcess Debugger The number of result set debuggers that can run at the same time 2 1 to 5
Show Web Preview General Enable or disable preview features in the Economics Web application. Preview features may be changed or removed in a future release. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 17. False Boolean
EnforceCurrentHierarchyPermissionsInCalculatedResultSets Security If set to False then a user with Read access to a calculated result set will be allowed to generate reports for all of the documents in the result set. If set to True, the user's access to each document will be determined by the user's current document-level permissions in the calculation hierarchy. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 2. True Boolean
CalculationSpreadsheetSharedFolder Spreadsheet File share location where temporary calculation spreadsheets will be stored during Economics Result Set calculations, if the option 'Preserve Calculated Spreadsheets' is applied by the user. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 14.   Change in 16.5 Update 15: if the setting value is blank then the storage location will default to the tenant 'cluster shared temp folder'; temporary files will be removed as part of the automated IPS cluster shared folder clean-up task. If the setting specifies a different location then it will be the responsibility of IPS Administrators to ensure that temporary files are regularly cleaned up. (Note: the file share will be validated when the setting is saved, therefore the share must be accessible for the setting to be modified.) Blank Windows file share
SpreadsheetFunctionsLibraryFolder Spreadsheet Path to specify the location of code libraries which will be loaded for use in custom spreadsheet functions in regimes. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 24. Blank Windows UNC path


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: Economics application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
StartPageUri Tenant   The relative or absolute URI for the start page displayed in the 'Manage Inputs' area of the application at log on. An absolute URI must be prefixed with 'http' or 'https' None URI string
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in all areas of the application apart from the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceEconomics/Help/' path string
AdminHelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceEconomicss/AdminHelp/' path string
MemoryDumpType Tenant Yes List of formats for the application memory dumps (use commas to separate, without spaces) MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpNormal, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithFullMemory, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpFilterMemory, MiniDumpScanMemory, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules, MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory, MiniDumpFilterModulePaths, MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData, MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithCodeSegs, MiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory, MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory, MiniDumpWithTokenInformation
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default value) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
License.IsServerMode Tenant   This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.AllowModeChange Tenant   This sets whether the application client user can switch between the server and file licensing modes. If True, the client user's License Manager dialog will provide a selection box "License: [From License Server] / [From License File]" False Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile
DiagnosticLoggingEnabled Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 20 and later) If enabled the client-side log file will record additional diagnostic information. Only to be used during diagnostic investigations because calculation performance will be affected. False Boolean


Financials application settings

Service settings

Service Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
CalculationBatchSize Calculation The number of projects sent in one message for distributed processing 100 10 to 500
BuildCalculatorMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for building a non-ringfenced result set calculator 2 1 to 64
CurrencyConversionMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for currency conversion during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
PreCalculationCheckMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for pre-calculation checks during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
CalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for calculation processes during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
CalculationResultSetStrategy Calculation The 'BulkInsertion' method has a higher startup cost but is faster thereafter and it is usually more efficient for large result sets. The 'TableValuedParameter' method can be more efficient for small or medium-sized result sets. For both methods the number of projects written to the database in one call is determined by the CalculationBatchSize setting BulkInsertion BulkInsertion or TableValuedParameter
BulkInsertionRetryLimit Calculation Sets the number of times to retry the writing of calculation result data to the database; effective when CalculationResultSetStrategy is set to 'BulkInsertion'. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 25 0 integer 0 to 100
CalculationResponseSize Calculation Sets the number of project calculations after which progress is reported from the IPS distributed processing machine back to the IPS Server 10 1 to CalculationBatchSize
IncrementalsCalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for incrementals calculation process during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
IncrementalsResultsMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for incrementals calculation process saving the results into the Cluster Shared Temp Folder 2 1 to 64
RingfenceCalculationMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for ringfence calculation process during result set calculation 2 1 to 64
RingfenceResultsMaxParallelism Calculation Maximum degree of parallelism for ringfence calculation process saving the results into the Cluster Shared Temp Folder 2 1 to 64
Cleanup Period Cluster Cleanup Sets how often the cleanup job should run 00:01:00 1 to 24 hours in format days:hours:minutes ('00:00:00')
Cleanup File Age Cluster Cleanup Sets how old a file must be before it is removed by the cleanup job 02:00:00 12 hours to 7 days in format days:hours:minutes ('00:00:00')
DocumentSyncBatchSize Dataflow/Financials Integration Sets the number of documents to be processed as a batch when performing Dataflow/Financials document synchronization 10 1 to 50
IntegrationServicesIsServiceEnabled IntegrationServices If True, enable Integration Services True Boolean
IntegrationServicesMaxProjectPageSize IntegrationServices Determines the maximum number of projects per page when requesting result set data [Setting is deleted in version 16.5 Update 13 and later] 1000 10 to 10000
IntegrationServicesMaxVariablePageSize IntegrationServices Determines the maximum number of variables per page when requesting result set data (using the endpoints '/Data/V1/ResultSets(id)/ResultSetRuns(runId)/Variables' and '/Data/V1/ResultSets(id)/ResultSetRuns(runId)/RunProjects(projectId)/Variables'). This setting does not affect the page size for OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). 50 10 to 10000
IntegrationServicesRemoteErrorsEnabled IntegrationServices Set to True to provide more detailed error messages during troubleshooting/testing. It should be set to False during normal operation. True Boolean
ODataWideAndTallTableMaxRowsPerRequest IntegrationServices Maximum number of rows per page when requesting 'wide' and 'tall' tables in OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). This setting and several other factors will determine the actual page size used for an API request (see Integration Services (OData) for an explanation of the page size algorithm). Using the 'pagesize' API parameter will override this setting. The recommended value for this setting depends on server resources and typical loading: better API performance (by returning larger pages of data) requires more resource usage (more memory and CPU will be occupied). 10000 Any 32-bit integer value; recommended range 1000 to 200000 (but highly dependent on server resources and load level)
SpreadsheetSizeLimit Spreadsheet Maximum allowed size in megabytes for a spreadsheet to be uploaded (the upload will fail if the size is exceeded) 4; changed to 6 in version 16.5 Update 17 and later 1 to 500
Aggregation Result Set Cleanup Schedule System Maintenance Sets the run schedule for the cleanup job which removes the temporary aggregation result sets created by the Dataflow Load from Financials tool; the data must be older than a specified age to be deleted (see other setting). The setting should use a CRON expression (six field format with initial Seconds). The default value is 0 1 0 ? * SUN, i.e. to run every Sunday starting at 00:01:00. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 0 1 0 ? * SUN CRON expression
Remove Aggregation Result Sets Older Than System Maintenance Sets how old (in days) an aggregation result set must be before it is removed by the scheduled cleanup job. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 8. 5 3 to 30


Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

Server Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
SpreadsheetCacheLimit Spreadsheet Size in megabytes of the cache used for spreadsheet calculations; each job is given its own cache. If the cache size is exceeded, a spreadsheet calculation must wait for memory to be released before it can continue. Setting to 0 means that only one spreadsheet calculation can occur at a time. 50 0 to 2000


Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All
EnableUnweightedRingFenceMode Calculation If set to True, the ringfence calculation option Align Scenarios (unweighted) will be available to users. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 22. False Boolean
HierarchyLinkLimit Dataflow/Financials Integration The maximum number of Financials hierarchies that each Dataflow version can be linked to 3 1 to 10
MaximumNumberOfResultSetDebuggerProcess Debugger The number of result set debuggers that can run at the same time 2 1 to 5
Show Web Preview General NOT CURRENTLY IN USE (Setting added in version 16.5 Update 17). False Boolean
EnforceCurrentHierarchyPermissionsInCalculatedResultSets Security If set to False then a user with Read access to a calculated result set will be allowed to generate reports for all of the documents in the result set. If set to True, the user's access to each document will be determined by the user's current document-level permissions in the calculation hierarchy. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 2. True Boolean
CalculationSpreadsheetSharedFolder Spreadsheet File share location where temporary calculation spreadsheets will be stored during Financials Result Set calculations, if the option 'Preserve Calculated Spreadsheets' is applied by the user. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 14.   Change in 16.5 Update 15: if the setting value is blank then the storage location will default to the tenant 'cluster shared temp folder'; temporary files will be removed as part of the automated IPS cluster shared folder clean-up task. If the setting specifies a different location then it will be the responsibility of IPS Administrators to ensure that temporary files are regularly cleaned up. (Note: the file share will be validated when the setting is saved, therefore the share must be accessible for the setting to be modified.) Blank Windows file share
SpreadsheetFunctionsLibraryFolder Spreadsheet Path to specify the location of code libraries which will be loaded for use in custom spreadsheet functions in regimes. Setting added in version 16.5 Update 24. Blank Windows UNC path


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: Financials application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
StartPageUri Tenant   The relative or absolute URI for the start page displayed in the 'Manage Inputs' area of the application at log on. An absolute URI must be prefixed with 'http' or 'https' None URI string
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in all areas of the application apart from the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceFinancials/Help/' path string
AdminHelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page used in the 'Administration' area 'PlanningSpaceFinancials/AdminHelp/' path string
MemoryDumpType Tenant Yes List of formats for the application memory dumps (use commas to separate, with no spaces) MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpNormal, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, MiniDumpWithFullMemory, MiniDumpWithHandleData, MiniDumpFilterMemory, MiniDumpScanMemory, MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules, MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory, MiniDumpFilterModulePaths, MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData, MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory, MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData, MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo, MiniDumpWithThreadInfo, MiniDumpWithCodeSegs, MiniDumpWithoutAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState, MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory, MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory, MiniDumpWithTokenInformation
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default value) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
License.IsServerMode Tenant   This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.AllowModeChange Tenant   This sets whether the application client user can switch between the server and file licensing modes. If True, the client user's License Manager dialog will provide a selection box "License: [From License Server] / [From License File]" False Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile
DiagnosticLoggingEnabled Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 20 and later) If enabled the client-side log file will record additional diagnostic information. Only to be used during diagnostic investigations because calculation performance will be affected. False Boolean


Portfolio application settings

Service settings

No settings for Portfolio.

Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

No settings for Portfolio.

Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: Portfolio application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
UserSettingsLocation Tenant   File system path for the location of the configuration file that will be used by the application. If value is not specified, the standard file system path for the user settings configuration file will be used None File system path


Config File: Portfolio system settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
ConfigurationFolder Tenant   System file path for the folder where configuration templates, mapping templates and visualization templates are stored %UserProfile%\Documents\Palantir\PlanningSpace Portfolio 16.5 System file path
ConfigurationTemplate Tenant   Filename of the configuration template that is used to create new PLAN files %UserProfile%\Documents\Palantir\PlanningSpace Portfolio 16.5\Configuration Templates\ExampleConfigurationTemplate.config System filename
DefaultStartYear User   Default start year for PLAN documents 2015  
DefaultDuration User   Default duration (in years) for PLAN documents 20  
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page (user manual) 'PlanningSpacePortfolio/Help/' path string
License.AllowModeChange Tenant   This sets whether the application client user can switch between the server and file licensing modes. If True, the client user's License Manager dialog will provide a selection box "License: [From License Server] / [From License File]" False Boolean
License.IsServerMode Tenant   This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'. AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default value) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
LpOperationTimeout User   Optimization will be terminated if it does not complete within this period (in seconds) 60  
LpServer Tenant   URL of the LP optimization server. Default value changed to "" in version 16.5 Update 11 and later. The old service address "" was removed on 2021-06-30. ''  
MaximumCacheSize Tenant   Maximum cache size in MB to store variable data 2000  
MinimumCacheSize Tenant   Minimum cache size in MB to store variable data 1000  
NumberOfUndoActions User   Number of 'Undo' actions that will be stored 20 Integer
ProjectBatchSize User   The batch size for projects when calculating project variable values in parallel. 300  
SpotfireExportTemporaryFileSize User   Size in MB of temporary file for Spotfire export 20  
UseSqliteForSnapshotsData User   If True, save snapshot data in a SQLite file. If False, keep snapshot data in memory False Boolean

PalantirCASH application settings

Service settings

Service Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
PingSleepTimeInSeconds Calculation Delay interval in seconds before polling the database for new calculation jobs 30 Recommended maximum 60
ResultSetDataBatchSize Calculation Sets the number of records that each batch will contain before insertion to the database 50000 Recommended maximum 50000
IsResultSetDataSorted Calculation [Deprecated setting - do not use] If True, order the data by ResultSet, Sensitivity Run and Project Ids before insertion to the database False Boolean
IsParallelRun Calculation If True, the calculation should take place using parallel threads True Boolean
MixedPeriodicitySettings Calculation Mixed Periodicity Settings for result set calculations. For example, if the Mixed periodicity should contain first 1 year in Monthly, 2 years in Quarterly, 3 years in Semi-Annually, then set the value as 1:2:3 . StartYear is optional: for example to include a start year of 2010, set the value as 1:2:3:2010 1:2:2 Monthly:Quarterly:Semi-Annually or Monthly:Quarterly:Semi-Annually:StartYear
IntegrationServicesIsServiceEnabled Calculation If True, enable Integration Services None Boolean
IntegrationServicesRemoteErrorsEnabled IntegrationServices Set to True to provide more detailed error messages during troubleshooting/testing. It should be set to False during normal operation. None Boolean
ODataWideAndTallTableMaxRowsPerRequest IntegrationServices Maximum number of rows per page when requesting 'wide' and 'tall' tables in OData API requests involving the denormalized entity sets (AllVariablesTall, AllScalarVariablesWide and AllPeriodicVariablesWide). This setting and several other factors will determine the actual page size used for an API request (see Integration Services (OData) for an explanation of the page size algorithm). Using the 'pagesize' API parameter will override this setting. The recommended value for this setting depends on server resources and typical loading: better API performance (by returning larger pages of data) requires more resource usage (more memory and CPU will be occupied). 10000 Any 32-bit integer value; recommended range 1000 to 200000 (but highly dependent on server resources and load level)


Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

No settings for PalantirCASH.


Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: CASH application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
UserSettingsLocation Tenant   File system path for the location of the configuration file that will be used by the application. If value is not specified, the standard file system path for the user settings configuration file will be used None File system path


Config File: CASH system settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
ResultSetDataBatchSize User Yes Sets the number of records that each batch will contain before insertion to the database 50000 Recommended maximum 50000
IsResultSetDataSorted User Yes [Deprecated setting - do not use] If True, order the data by ResultSet, Sensitivity Run and Project Ids before insertion to the database False Boolean
IsParallelRun User Yes If True, the calculation should take place using parallel threads False Boolean
ExEngineWorkingFolder User Yes Sets the folder to store temporary files when regime modules and depreciation methods are being edited. The CX Suite applications must have read/write access to this folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp File system path
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default value) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
License.IsServerMode User Yes This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile


PalantirFINANCIALS application settings

Service settings

Service Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
PingSleepTimeInSeconds Calculation Delay interval in seconds before polling the database for new calculation jobs 30 Recommended maximum 60
ResultSetDataBatchSize Calculation Sets the number of records that each batch will contain before insertion to the database 50000 Recommended maximum 50000
IsResultSetDataSorted Calculation [Deprecated setting - do not use] If True, order the data by ResultSet, Sensitivity Run and Project Ids before insertion to the database False Boolean
IsParallelRun Calculation If True, the calculation should take place using parallel threads True Boolean
MixedPeriodicitySettings Calculation Mixed Periodicity Settings for result set calculations. For example, if the Mixed periodicity should contain first 1 year in Monthly, 2 years in Quarterly, 3 years in Semi-Annually, then set the value as 1:2:3 . StartYear is optional: for example to include a start year of 2010, set the value as 1:2:3:2010 1:2:2 Monthly:Quarterly:Semi-Annually or Monthly:Quarterly:Semi-Annually:StartYear
IntegrationServicesIsServiceEnabled IntegrationServices (REDUNDANT SETTING: No OData API endpoint exists for this application)    
IntegrationServicesRemoteErrorsEnabled IntegrationServices (REDUNDANT SETTING: No OData API endpoint exists for this application)    
ODataWideAndTallTableMaxRowsPerRequest IntegrationServices (REDUNDANT SETTING: No OData API endpoint exists for this application)    


Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

No settings for PalantirFINANCIALS.

Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Tenant Setting name Category Description Default value Allowed values or range
MemoryLimitInGB Cache Cache memory size limit in GB 1 Determined by the server machine RAM
LogLevel Cache Cache log level setting Info Off, Trace, Info, Warning, Error, All


Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: FINANCIALS application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
UserSettingsLocation Tenant   File system path for the location of the configuration file that will be used by the application. If value is not specified, the standard file system path for the user settings configuration file will be used None File system path


Config File: FINANCIALS system settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
ResultSetDataBatchSize User Yes Sets the number of records that each batch will contain before insertion to the database 50000 Recommended maximum 50000
IsResultSetDataSorted User Yes [Deprecated setting - do not use] If True, order the data by ResultSet, Sensitivity Run and Project Ids before insertion to the database False Boolean
IsParallelRun User Yes If True, the calculation should take place using parallel threads False Boolean
ExEngineWorkingFolder User Yes Sets the folder to store temporary files when regime modules and depreciation methods are being edited. The CX Suite applications must have the read/write access to this folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp File system path
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port if not default value) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
License.IsServerMode User Yes This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile


PalantirPLAN application settings

Service settings

No settings for PalantirPLAN.

Server settings (select the tab for each server machine)

No settings for PalantirPLAN.

Tenant settings (select the tab for each tenant)

No settings for PalantirPLAN.

Client settings (select the tab for each tenant)

Config File: PLAN application settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
UserSettingsLocation Tenant   File system path for the location of the configuration file that will be used by the application. If value is not specified, the standard file system path for the user settings configuration file will be used None File system path


Config File: PLAN system settings
Client Setting name Default
Description Default value Allowed values
ConfigurationFolder Tenant   System file path for the folder where configuration templates, mapping templates and visualization templates are stored %UserProfile%\Documents\Palantir\PalantirPLAN 16.5 System file path
ConfigurationTemplate Tenant   Filemame of the configuration template that is used to create new PLAN files %UserProfile%\Documents\Palantir\PalantirPLAN 16.5\Configuration Templates\ExampleConfigurationTemplate.config System filename
DefaultDuration User   Default duration (in years) for PLAN documents 20  
DefaultStartYear User   Default start year for PLAN documents 2015  
HelpPageRelativeUri Tenant   The relative URI for the help page (user manual) 'PalantirPLAN/Help/' path string
License.IsServerMode User Yes This sets the initial behaviour when the client user starts the application. The client user will see in the License Manager dialog either (setting value True) "License Server" controls or (setting value False) "License File" controls True Boolean
License.ServerAddress Tenant Yes This is the server address which is used as the initial client app setting for the license server (the client user can always change this setting) URL with address (and web port) of the IPS Server or load balancer and the resource path '/licenseserver' URL string
License.SelectionMode Tenant   (Only available in version 16.5 Update 7 and later) This determines the license acquisition behavior when a client user starts the application; the automatic settings can reduce the need for users to interact with a license selection dialog, and also the automatic selection can optimize the takeup of licenses from license pools. (The default setting is 'Manual', which maintains compatibility with earlier versions.) If set to 'Manual', the user must select from the available licenses, however the selection will be stored and automatically re-used in following sessions, if it is still a valid license. If set to 'Automatic', the license server will always make an automatic selection (the user is allowed to open the License Manager and change the license selection, but this will not be remembered for the next session). If set to 'AutomaticWithOverride' the license server will make an automatic selection, unless the user manually makes a selection via the License Manager, in which case this selection will be stored for re-use in future sessions. For Update 16 and later: the default setting is 'AutomaticWithOverride'; an additional setting 'Profile' is used with the Licence Profile feature (see License profiles) AutomaticWithOverride Manual, Automatic, AutomaticWithOverride, Profile
License.UserSelections User Yes One or more Licenses which can be automatically acquired so that the tenant user does not need to select a license for the application None List of licenses in the form {license ID}/{sequential number}|...
LpOperationTimeout User   Optimization will be terminated if it does not complete within this period (in seconds) 60  
LpServer Tenant   URL of the LP optimization server. Default value changed to "" in version 16.5 Update 11 and later. The old service address "" was removed on 2021-06-30. ''  
MaximumCacheSize Tenant   Maximum cache size in MB to store variable data 2000  
MinimumCacheSize Tenant   Minimum cache size in MB to store variable data 1000  
NumberOfUndoActions User   Number of 'Undo' actions that will be stored 20 Integer
SpotfireExportTemporaryFileSize User   Size in MB of temporary file for Spotfire export 20  
UseSqliteForSnapshotsData User   If True, save snapshot data in a SQLite file. If False, keep snapshot data in memory False Boolean