Resource Leveling

If you have set up targets, PLAN can include, exclude and shift projects to make sure that the targets are met in the best possible way. This function is called resource leveling. The leveling mechanism is described below.

Note: Resource leveling treats all targets as maximums.

To open the tool, click on the Resource Leveling button The Resource Leveling button on the ribbon or press CTRL + L, and the Resource Leveling window will be displayed.

The Resource Leveling window

  1. Select the variable which will be used as the target from the Target Periodic Variable list. This list includes both mapped and calculated periodic variables which have been set as targets. For information about how to set a variable as a target, see Periodic Variables.
  2. The Resource Leveling Option list is used to select which projects will be considered. PLAN can consider and shift all loaded projects (both included and excluded), or only currently included projects. If an MEG is selected, any one project within the MEG may be considered.

Note: The shifting step is determined by the selected periodicity. For example, if the values are displayed on the annual basis, projects will be shifted on the annual basis as well. To change the step, change the periodicity with the help of buttons on the toolbar.

  1. Click on Start.
  2. If leveling has been successful, the visualizations will be automatically updated. If leveling failed, you can view warnings and errors by clicking on View Log.
  3. The Snapshot button will also become active, so you can save the results as a snapshot.

The Resource Leveling window

Note: Currently it is not possible to undo the results of this operation. However, you can save the plan before leveling and use the Reset option on the toolbar, or save a snapshot before leveling and apply it if the leveling results are not satisfactory.

Leveling is performed in the following way:

  1. All projects selected for analysis are excluded from the plan and their shifting values are reset to zero. Projects are analyzed starting from the first project displayed in the Projects View.
  2. PLAN includes the first project and checks its values against the target.
  3. If the project does not meet the target, it is shifted and again compared against the target.
  4. If the shifting value exceeds the plan duration and the project still does not meet the target, the project is excluded from the solution.
  5. The process is repeated for the remaining projects and their combinations until a solution is found.