Load data from PalantirCASH

The following procedure is used to load data from CASH. For information about screen elements, see CASH and FINANCIALS loading screen.

  1. In the Load Data workspace, click the arrow under the Add button The Add button on the ribbon and select the PalantirCASH option. A new data source will be added to the screen.
  2. In the Start Year and Duration fields, specify the time frame for which the data will be loaded; if projects span a longer period, the data outside of this time frame will be discarded.
  3. To connect to a CASH data source, click the down arrow in the Data Source field to select a server and PlanningSpace tenant (the automatic options will be for the server used by your CX Suite applications). To specify a connection manually, select the Manage Connections option from this list.
  4. Enter your PlanningSpace login credentials (for details, see CASH and FINANCIALS loading screen).
  5. If the connection has been established successfully, a Result Set name will be displayed in the Choose Result Set field and the Choose Working Interest Partner field will be activated.
  6. Select the Result Set Run you want to load by clicking the Browse button next to the Choose Result Set field. When you make a selection, the hierarchy contained in the selected Result Set will appear in the box at the bottom of the screen.
  7. In the Choose Working Interest Partner field, select which partner's share will be loaded.
  8. Importing from CASH requires a mapping template; templates determine which CASH variables correspond to destination variables and settings. Create or select it in the Choose Mapping Template field. For information about templates, see CASH and FINANCIALS mapping template. You can open and edit a template only after you connect to a data source.
  9. In the box at the bottom, select projects to load by checking boxes next to their names. If you select a consolidation node, all projects within it will be selected. If you right-click on a node, a context menu will be opened with more selection options, such as Select All or Expand.
  10. You can change the way the hierarchy is displayed by selecting one of the options in the Display Options fields. You can view projects as they are arranged in the hierarchy, or sort them based on their properties specified in CASH.
  11. The Result Type Options field determines how data will be loaded. The Selected Projects option loads just projects even if you select consolidation nodes in the tree view. The Selected Consolidations option loads consolidated data from projects under selected consolidation nodes. The Selected Consolidations and Projects option loads both individual projects and consolidated results.
  12. To check whether data sources have errors, click on the Validate button The Validate button on the ribbon. If errors or warnings are found, a message will be displayed and the data source icon will change to Errors icon or Warnings icon respectively.
  13. Click on the Load button The Load button on the ribbon. The progress will be shown in a pop-up dialog. You can cancel loading at any time by clicking on the Cancel button in the dialog.
  14. If loading finished successfully, the Analyze Portfolio workspace will be opened. If there were warnings or errors, click on the View Log button The View Log button on the ribbon to check the log file.