Summary Variables

This tab is used to map summary variables in PLAN to columns in the database. First, you need to retrieve data from the database. Enter a query in the text field at the top of the tab and click on the Execute button. If the query has been executed successfully, fields in the Mappings section will become active. You can also preview a query: click on the arrow next to the Execute button and select Preview (for details, see Preview query results).

The Summary Variables tab

Field Description
Project Name Select a column.
Project Scenario Select a column or type a value.
Price Scenario Select a column or type a value.

In the Table Format section, you need to select how your data are organized. Select the Column per Variable option if your column headers are your variables (see the image below).

Column headers contain variables

Select the Variable data in one column (multiple rows) option if your data are structured as shown in the image below. In this case you need to specify two more settings: the name of the database column which contains item names (Name Column), and the name of the database column which contains item values (Value Column).

Column rows contain variables

The table at the bottom of the tab contains the list of PLAN variables taken from the configuration settings; here you need to select which item in the database corresponds to each variable. If you selected the Column per Variable option, then the Source cells will be filled with database column names. If you selected the Variable data in one column (multiple rows) option, then the Source cells will be filled with values from the column selected in the Name Column.

Check the Use default values instead of NULLs box to use a value when a NULL or 'no value' condition is met. The default values are listed below.

Variable Default Value
Periodic 0
Summary Integer 0
Summary Double 0
Summary Boolean FALSE
Summary DateTime 30/12/1899
Summary String "" (empty string)

Values in columns can be filtered. Move the mouse pointer over the column name and the filter button Filter button will be displayed. Click on it to view available options. You can create simple custom filters as well.