
A project represents an asset that your company is evaluating at the most detailed level. This is where data are entered and calculated to generate reports. Projects are created in CASH as project nodes added to consolidation nodes in the hierarchy. Projects are managed in the Hierarchy Explorer and edited in Excel.

Projects are created from templates which are stored in Regimes associated with consolidation nodes to which the projects belong. Regimes define what data projects will contain, both inputs entered by users and outputs calculated by CASH.

Project values are stored in variables. Variables have names which let users know what information they store; for example, Production Liquid Rate or Capital Development Intangible. Variables are also assigned to categories which makes certain operations, such as sensitivity analysis, easier to perform; for example, prices for various kinds of liquid products belong to the category named Price – Liquids.

Project templates link CASH variables to Excel workbooks to create a user-friendly means of data entry.

Each project contains its own set of worksheets; for example, the default templates include: Control Panel, Production, Price, Capital, Opcosts, G&A, Bonuses and Fees, Carry, Cash Flow - Gross and Cash Flow - Net. Each company using CASH can set up its own templates to meet its own corporate style guidelines.