The Report Options tab
The Report Options tab on the Palantir Reporting screen contains general report settings, such as currency and unit system. All fields are explained in the table below.
Field | Description |
Currency | Currency of the report. |
Currency Scenario | Currency scenario of the report. This field contains the list of all existing scenarios and an option to use the scenario which was used to calculate the Result Set. |
Periodicity | Periodicity of the report. |
Unit System | Unit system of the report. |
Inflation Date | This option is only used when you want to view real numbers in the report since values are converted to nominal during calculation. It determines the starting point of inflation calculation; inflation rates will be applied to the period following the specified date. For more information, see Inflation and escalation. |
Start Options | The first year to be included into the report. |
End Options |
Select the last year to appear in reports. Choose one of four options:
Note: The Project Economic Limit option will show values up to the economic limit plus any delayed payments such as abandonment or deferred tax. |
One Line Summary / Indicator Options | These values are used if your reports contain indicators. |
Threshold Limit | The amount of memory that can be used by reports. It applies only to Standard and Variance reports. If you report on a large number of projects (over 300), increase this value. If you see an OutOfMemory error during reporting, decrease this value. |
Select Working Interest Partners | Partners whose shares will be included into the report, if reporting on net values. If a company's share was calculated in the selected Result Set, its name will be displayed in bold. |