Import from Excel®

To import data from an Excel file, go to File > Import and select From Excel. The Excel Import Wizard will be displayed. The Wizard supports both .xls and .xlsx files.

Important: Each loaded Excel file must contain data for only one CASH project.

Note: If imported Excel files contain functions, please be aware that not all of them are supported by CASH due to the use of third-party components which allow spreadsheets to be evaluated outside of Microsoft Excel. For the list of supported functions, see Supported spreadsheet functions.

Before loading the data, create the destination hierarchy in CASH if required and link a Calculation Parameters document to it. Link the required Regimes to appropriate consolidation nodes in the hierarchy.

The import process includes the following steps:

  1. On the first screen of the Excel Import Wizard, read the instructions and click on Next.
  2. On the Excel Batch Import screen, select files to import, set up import batches and specify import settings (see The Excel Batch Import screen). Here you also need to create mapping templates and assign them to batches (see Create an Excel mapping template).
  3. On the Destination Cash Consolidation Node screen, select the node where you want to import your data. Note that this window displays the hierarchy which is currently open in the Hierarchy Explorer.
  4. The Pre-Import Confirmation screen gives you a summary of the import options. The Logging Options button opens a window where you can specify whether the import log file should contain only errors, errors and warnings, or errors, warnings and import information. To begin the import, click on Next.
  5. Once import has been finished, a confirmation message and the View Log button will be displayed. Check the log file if the import was completed with warnings or errors. Click on Finish to close the Wizard. To run the Loader again, click on the Return to Start button.