
The CASH toolbar contains frequently used options from CASH menus. You can add or remove individual sections by going to View > Toolbars and checking or unchecking the corresponding boxes.

If an option is unavailable, it is grayed out. Selected options are marked with a bright background, the color of which depends on the Windows Appearance settings.

If you forget what an icon is for, hover the mouse pointer over it, wait a second and a small window with the icon's description (a tooltip) will appear.

Icon Function
Save button Saves changes to the active document.
Save All button Saves changes to all open documents.
Cut button Cuts the selection and stores it in the clipboard.
Copy button Copies the selection and stores it in the clipboard.
Paste button Pastes the selection from the clipboard to the place where the cursor is.
Monthly button Displays the data on the monthly basis.
Quarterly button Displays the data on the quarterly basis.
Semi-annual button Displays the data on the semi-annual basis.
Annual button Displays the data on the annual basis.
Unit System menu Sets the unit system (Imperial, Metric or Continental).
Go To See Locate projects and Result Sets.
Help button Opens the CASH user manual.