The Result Sets Explorer

A Result Set is a collection of projects that have been calculated and stored in the database. You can create multiple versions of the same Result Set using Result Set Runs, which are attached to the Result Set when it is created. Once calculated and stored, the results are used for reporting. You can also export calculated data to other applications, e.g. PalantirPLAN, for further analysis and evaluation. For more information on Result Sets and Result Set Runs, see Result Sets. The Result Sets Explorer allows you to create and manage Result Sets.

If you have many Result Sets, you can locate specific items with the help of the Go To Project/Result Set tool (see Locate projects and Result Sets).

The Result Sets Explorer

The Result Sets Explorer contains a tree view and a toolbar with frequently used commands. The toolbar icons are explained in the table below.

Icon Function
The New Result Set button Creates a new Result Set.
The Rename button Renames a Result Set.
The Delete button Deletes a Result Set.
The Calculate button Calculates a Result Set.
The Copy button Creates a copy of a Result Set.
The Run Reports button Opens the reporting window (see The Palantir Reporting screen).
The key button Opens the Permissions window for the selected Result Set or folder (see Item Permissions).
The pie button Shows or hides the size of Result Sets.
Shows/hides the date and time Shows or hides the date and time when each Result Set was last calculated.

The Result Sets Explorer node types are explained in the table below. 

Icon Node Type
The folder icon A folder where Result Sets are stored. The folder named Root is a system folder; it cannot be renamed or deleted.
The Basic Result Set icon Basic Result Set. For more information, see Create a basic Result Set.
The Advanced Result Set icon Advanced Result Set. For more information, see Create an advanced Result Set.
The Sensitivity Result Set icon Sensitivity Result Set. For more information, see Create a sensitivity Result Set and Sensitivity Viewer for Result Sets.
The green circle icon Result Set Run that has been successfully calculated.
The white circle icon Result Set Run that has not been calculated yet.
The red circle icon Result Set Run that has been calculated with errors.
The yellow triangle icon Result Set Run that has been calculated with warnings.

If you right-click on a node, the context menu will be displayed. The list of menu options changes according to the nature of the selected item and its position in the hierarchy. The complete list of options for the Result Sets Explorer is shown in the table below.

Menu Item Function
New Creates a new Result Set.
New From Creates a new Result Set and copies its settings from another Result Set.
New Folder Creates a new folder.
Recalculate Recalculates the selected Result Set or Run.
More... Opens a list of additional tools.
Copy Settings to Advanced Mode Creates a new advanced Result Set on the basis of the selected Result Set. This option is available only for basic Result Sets.
View Result Set Setting Changes Opens a tool which allows you to see whether any settings have changed since the Result Set was calculated (see View changes to Result Set settings).
Load to FINANCIALS If you have already exported a Result Set Run into FINANCIALS, you can use this option to quickly re-export data (Export to PalantirFINANCIALS).
Rename Renames the selected node.
Delete Deletes the selected node.
Permissions Opens the Permissions window for the selected Result Set or folder (see Item Permissions).
Expand Shows all items contained in the selected node.
Collapse Hides all items contained in the selected node.
Refresh Reloads the contents of the selected node after changes have been made.
Open Calculation Log Opens the log file (see Calculation logs).