OData API ('/data') requests

This section contains topcs about specific features for the OData-based API interfaces, that is the API routes named '/data', which are:

  • PlanningSpaceDataflow/data/v1/
  • PlanningSpaceEconomics/data/v1/
  • PlanningSpaceFinancials/data/v1/
  • PalantirCASH/data/v1/ (if the SUITE CX server for CASH is installed, and the API is enabled: see CX CASH Integration Services)

The PlanningSpace OData API server can return data only in JSON format. The response header 'Content-Type' is set to 'application/json'. (Note: Support for Atom XML was offered up to PlanningSpace version 16.3, and was removed starting from version 16.4.)