Data validation

The file and database loaders validate imported well data. All errors and warnings are recorded in the task notification log. The following are the most common errors and warnings.


Errors are displayed as red-colored messages in the task log. They indicate an instance where a fallback does not exist, or the user is required to address the issue.

Error name Error description
Well Name Too Long Well names are limited to 150 characters. Since well names are required as the unique record identifiers, Decline raises an error and will not load that well record.
Required Properties Missing This message is reported if the Create Missing Properties option is not checked in Load From File but the property is not included in the property mapping. The load will be immediately canceled. This can be fixed by either creating the missing property (manually, or by using the Create Missing Properties loading option), or by including the property in the mapping.


Warnings are displayed as yellow-colored messages in the task log. They indicate an instance where the data source has a problem but there is an automatic fallback which has been used.

Warning name Warning description
Property Value is Too Long Property values must be 150 characters or less. The imported value will be truncated to 150 characters.
Well Already Exists

In case of loading from a file: the loader option Replace Existing Data was not enabled, but the well exists in Decline.

In case of loading from a database: the loader option Create Wells was enabled, and the well already exists in Decline.

Import Production Data Matches Existing Reported if the import data matches the current data. No new revision will be created for that product.
Repeated Months If there are multiple records with dates that fall in the same period this warning will be created. The first occurrence of the record is used and all later ones are ignored. One message is produced per well but the details will show all of the invalid records.
Invalid Producing Hours The imported producing hours value is either negative, or greater than the logical maximum. The imported value will be replaced with the logical maximum producing hours for the period.
Invalid Production Values The imported production value is either: not a valid number; or is negative; or is outside the valid range which is zero or [1.0E-6, 1.0E+18], after the data has been converted to the imperial unit system and the medium scale.