
The ribbon buttons for the Load Data workspace are described in the table below. Some of these functions are also available from the context menu.

Button Function
Save button Saves changes to the current document. Alternatively, press CTRL+S.
Configuration button Opens the Configuration window (see Configuration settings).
Add data source button Adds a data source or a new group (see Data source groups). Select the data source type from the list and it will be added to the screen.
Rename button Renames the selected data source or group.
Duplicates the selected data source.
Delete button Deletes the selected data source or group.
Load Data button Loads data into the opened file.
Validate data sources button Checks whether data sources have errors. If errors or warnings are found, a message is displayed and the data source icon will show the error status.
Settings button Opens the Reload Settings dialog where you can choose which settings will be reset when data are reloaded.
View Log button Shows the Data Load Log for the loading operation. You can use this log information to identify loading errors.