Run Reports Independently setting

This setting is available for version 16.4 Update 5 and later.

This setting controls how a job submitted by a PlanningSpace user containing multiple report generation requests will be processed. The setting applies to Document reports, Multi-Dataset reports, and Reserves reports.

'RunReportsIndependently' is a 'Service setting' for Dataflow, which means that it will be applied to all tenants deployed on the same IPS Server, and for all machines in an IPS cluster. The setting is disabled by default. It can be modified by the IPS Administrator (see the PlanningSpace 16.4 Deployment Guide). Note: an application restart is not required when the setting is changed.

'Run Reports Independently' is disabled (default)

One job will be started, and it will be handled by one server worker process. One shared dataset will be generated which contains all of the data required by all of the reports.

Once the dataset is generated each report will be generated in sequence.

'Run Reports Independently' is enabled

A job will be started for each report to be generated. Worker processes will pick up each job, and run in parallel; some jobs may be queued if there are not enough free workers. Each job will create its own dataset, containing only the required data for one report (thus, for example, if node type filtering is turned on to use only 'Country' nodes, all other node types will be filtered out).

Each job will generate its report as soon as the data set is ready.

Note: The setting is particularly recommended to be used in situations where multiple Reserves reports (at different levels of a hierarchy) are submitted by users, because generating reports from a shared data set may lead to incorrect outputs.