Pad Drilling Program

A Pad drilling program is a task that creates drilling pads, and allows you to schedule the wells drilled on the pads. Its limitation is that only a single pad can be drilled at a time, no matter how many rigs are available. For more advanced pad construction, see Pad Drilling as Part of a Drilling Program
To create a Pad Drilling Program:  
  1. Click on the "Pad Drilling Program" Button on the Scheduler tab 
  1. Enter the name and earliest start date for the Pad Program

    Click image to expand or minimize.

  1. On the Pads Tab, Add a Pad. You can further define the Task Name, Start Date, Pad Name, Facility Type (Field Facility is common), where it flows to and the number of Pads.
  2. Click image to expand or minimize.

  3. Add any capital phases (e.g., Pad construction, tie-in).
  4. Click image to expand or minimize.

  5. Setup the drilling program (See Creating a Drilling Program) and Calculate the project.
  6. Click image to expand or minimize.

  7.  From the Network tab you can see the pad created. Let's say we change the # of Pads to be created to 4 and have it flow to Area A Reporting node. The Network tab will show the 4 pads created (each having 10 wells as specified in the drilling program).
  8. Click image to expand or minimize.

    Click image to expand or minimize.

  9. The Gantt Chart will show you the production of both pads, and wells feeding into the pads.
  10. Click image to expand or minimize. 

You can also specify the conditions (what the maintenance task is dependent on) See Scheduler Conditions.