Export to Cloud Storage
Based on feedback we've received from a number of stakeholders, in this release we have added another method to get PDS data out of Enersight for consumption in external tools. The Export to Cloud Storage feature allows users to push selected PDS data to Snowflake in JSON file format using pre-configured Data Profiles, a Connection, and Metadata set up by Administrators. The tables are the same as our existing OData tables, so the list should look familiar to some and along with the selected data tables, a metadata file that contains properties relevant to the particular export is pushed to the destination.
This feature serves as a more performant and easier to set up alternative to our various OData options and in a short time will support data exports to Amazon S3 and Azure Storage with the ability to add support for other destinations as required, so let us know if you have a preferred cloud storage destination.
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More information can be found in Export to Cloud Storage.