Canadian Royalty Enhancements
BC Royalty Regime
Enersight now has support for the currently available details of the 2024 British Columbia royalty regime. Although there are still some questions regarding the final details of the regime, we have added logic and relevant inputs for BC* and Transition period calculations. Logic has also been added to incorporate the upcoming GPA program from 2024 onward. 2024 BC Regime inputs can be imported via CSV.
Click image to expand or minimize.
To enable the BC* and Transition period inputs, ensure that the ‘Enable 2024 BC Royalties’ checkbox is checked for either the Scenario or Project entities, and that an asset with a valid start date is selected (e.g., Transition Period inputs will only be enabled for wells drilled during the transition period).
Click image to expand or minimize.
Other Canadian Royalty Enhancements
Two further enhancements have been made to Enersight’s Canadian Royalty Calculations:
- Par Prices in Alberta and Royalty Prices in Saskatchewan can now be set at the Scenario level. Previously, these price settings were the same for all scenarios in a project. It is now possible to do rapid price sensitivity testing using Scenarios in the same project.
- Par prices for Alberta, Select, PMP, and Producer prices in BC, and Royalty Prices in Saskatchewan can now be modified using Risk Script commands. The new command is Royalty:ScalePrice and takes the arguments Price Set Name and the Scale Factor (see the Risk Scripting Reference for further details).