Function Performance Type
Use this option to create a function that will define the decline of the primary fluid. This type is specially useful when you need to refer the well's performance to one or more PetroVR Runtime Variables.
First, select whether the Function Decline should be expressed as a Dimensional Rate (liquid or gas rate) or as Dimensionless as fraction of Initial Rate, that is, as a factor of the Initial Rate specified in the Well Details Tab.
Oil / Gas, Water: Enable/disable secondary fluids. You can choose to use ratios (GOR or Water Cut), and also to enter these values as column in a table. See further on how secondary fluids are entered under Table Performance Type.
Max Total Liquid Rate ( Oil producer) / Max Gas Rate (
Gas producer): Check this box to set a maximum for the total liquid (oil + water) or gas the well can produce or, by un-checking the Absolute checkbox, at a certain percentage of the initial rate. In effect, then, it models a mechanical limit to the well's potential production independently from reserves or pressure drives, and in effect works similarly to a choking produced by a constraint in the facility that receives its production.