Model Object Tables

Model object tables contain model objects of the same type, created by the user, with a unique name each and of which more than one can exist in the project: facilities, rigs, wells, fluid components, jobs, etc.

This kind of table is used in the following parts of PetroVR:

  • The Reservoirs and Wells Summary tab lists all reservoirs defined in the project.
  • The Wells Tab lists all wells included in a reservoir.
  • The bottom pane of the Rigs section lists all defined rigs.
  • The facility Summary tab in the Facilities node lists all facilities.
  • The Scheduled Jobs Tab within the Schedule lists all jobs.
  • The bottom pane of a summary node lists all jobs included in it; see Summaries.
  • The Summary tab of the main Well Groups node lists all groups defined in the project; each group type, in turn, has its own Summary tab with its corresponding groups (Drilling Info Groups, Completion Info Groups, etc.)

The Resource Requirements Pane and the Activities Pane are also presented in the form of (simpler) model object tables.

Commands Available (Model Object Tables)

Column commands:

  • Model object tables allow you to sort rows in ascending or descending order by simply left-clicking the column header (this includes sorting by name by clicking the first, empty column header).
  • The right-click menu on an individual cell containing a variable allow you to change either its unit or format. Use Column unit to choose between units compatible with the kind of variable; note that this will change the unit of the whole column, and all values will be converted accordingly.
  • Column format will likewise change the format of the whole column.
Column Unit and Column format only affect the way a set of variables of the same kind are displayed in the table, and not the unit and the format defined for each variable. Therefore, they are not recorded as changes; see Tracking Changes for more on this.

Row commands in the button bar: All model objects tables (except job and summary tables) include the basic object management commands. They each work the same as the corresponding option in other menus and button bars: Add Add will create a new object of that kind and jump to its editing area, Delete Delete will remove it permanently from the project, etc. When a row is selected, right-click and use Edit selected to go to the corresponding editing tab. You can also double-click on a row heading to edit objects.

  • AddAdd
  • EditEdit
  • DeleteDelete (also available in the Del key)
  • DuplicateDuplicate

Two other special commands are available in the Wells Tab:

  • Open in Window: open the selected wells in a separate window.
  • Create Well GroupCreate Well Group: Add the selected wells to a new group; see User Groups.

Below the table, a line headed "Sum" provides the sum of the values of the selected cells with numeric values. Note that this adds up only the numeric values, disregarding information on units etc.