
PetroVR Catalogs allow you to share kinds of objects (resources, categories, assets, etc.) between projects. Only one catalog of each type is accessible at the same time:

  • Cost Categories catalog Cost Categories
  • Facilities catalog Facilities
  • Fluids (Fluids catalog - Oil Oil, Fluids catalog - Gas Gas and Fluids catalog - Water Water)
  • Fluid Components catalog Fluid Components
  • Reserves Booking catalog Reserves Booking
  • Resources catalog Resources

You can load items from catalogs to any of your PetroVR models. When you do this, the element imported into the project loses its connection with the Catalog: modifying it in the project does not change the one in the Catalog. You can think of Catalog elements as types or models (e.g. facility models), from which you acquire separate units.

You can also add objects defined in a project to their corresponding catalogs, i.e. create a catalog element based on the existing object. You can also create catalog elements from scratch within the catalog window.

Catalogs are accessed from PetroVR Plan. Though you need to have a PetroVR project open to be able to work with them, they are independent from projects and are accessible from any of them. Catalogs are saved in a special folder specified in the Files and Directories tab in the Tools menu Options (Tools menu). By choosing another folder you can keep and access different sets of catalogs.

The list of variables available when the Function Editor is invoked from Catalogs are only those belonging to the type of object specific to the catalog, not those of the project as a whole. Some special variables are also offered when opening the Editor from the catalog, even if they cannot be edited in the catalog itself; this is the case with Fluid Deliverability (Facilities Catalog), Oil Component Percent, Gas Initial Oil Yield and Gas Initial Water Yield (Fluid Catalog).