Tree View

PetroVR main tools, economic options and Results and Graphs windows make consistent use of a graphic interface layout consisting in an Explorer-like window whose main control is a Tree View on the left:

Tree View

The Tree View lists model objects as nodes, grouped into hierarchies represented by branches. By selecting a node you can edit the attributes of that object, which will be presented in the Editing Tabs next to the Tree. Some tools have more than one Tree View; use the Explorer Bar to switch between them (also available in the View Menu).

The nodes and branches are provided with context (right-click) menus for managing objects. This menu replicates the options available in the Edit Menu, and its content varies depending on the kind of object selected. Options usually found in the right-click menu are Add Add, Delete Delete, Rename (same as F2 function key), Duplicate Duplicate, etc.

The Tree View offers also the possibility to drag-and-drop objects from one branch to another or to valid recipients such as lists in the Editing Tabs.

List of PetroVR Tree Views

PetroVR Econ
  • Modules: All Econ model modules with their calculations and inputs, optionally grouped in boxes.
  • Variable types: All Econ calculations and inputs grouped by kind (calculations and user inputs).
Results Window
  • Results: All results grouped by type (deterministic and probabilistic).
  • Depreciation definitions: All depreciation pools.
  • Depreciation variables: All depreciation variables grouped by kind (Excel, functions and inputs).
  • Modules: All Globals modules with their calculations and inputs, optionally grouped in boxes.
  • Variable types: All Globals calculations and inputs grouped by kind (calculations and user inputs).
  • Scenarios: All scenarios with their results grouped by type.
Decision Tree
  • Decision tree: All branches with their results grouped by type.
  • Partners: All partners.
PetroVR Portfolio
  • Variables: All Contracts variables grouped by kind (Excel, functions and inputs).
  • Portfolio elements: All portfolios, projects and calculations.