File Menu

The options available in the File menu depend on which tool is currently open. The following list contains all the possibilities:

  • NewNew: Create a new PetroVR model, depending on which tool is currently open: a Plan project (.pvr), an PetroVR Econmodel (.eco), a Globals model (.glb), a Scenarios model (.scn), Decision Tree (.dts), Contracts (.act) or PetroVR Portfolio (.pfl).
  • OpenOpen: Open an existing PetroVR model of the tool currently selected. You can also open .pvr file .pvr and Portfolio file.pfl files directly from the Windows Explorer by double-clicking them.
  • Restore Project: (Only in PetroVR Plan.) Open a back-up project file saved before a system crash or failure. See a full explanation of how this command works in Back-up files.
  • SaveSave: Save the current model.
  • Save AsSave As: Create a copy of the current model file, results file and output spreadsheet and save them under a new name.
  • CloseClose: Close the current PetroVR model. (You will be asked if you wish to save any changes you have made.) Note that all tools except Portfolio depend on the Plan project currently open; this means that closing a Plan project will automatically close all Econ, Globals, etc. windows related to it.
  • Copy Project Files toCopy Project Files to: Copy all files related to the currently open project to a single folder. This includes all PetroVR Files (.pvr, .ch, .eco, .scn, etc.) image files and associated Excel spreadsheets. All file locations defined in the Files Tab are reset to the folder to which the files are copied, so that the model will be ready to run without resorting to the Find MissingFind Missing option. Also available in PetroVR Portfolio as Copy Portfolio Files toCopy Portfolio Files to, which saves files necessary for executing the portfolio (.pfl, .pfl.rlt, etc. and a sub-folder with the files related to each Plan project).
  • Send ToSend Zip File To: Compress the currently open project and resource files in a single .zip file, and optionally invoke the default email application to send it as an attachment (requires a default email client to be defined at the OS level). See further in Zip and Email Project.
  • Publish to the WebPublish to the Web Server / Publish all scenarios to the Web Server / Publish Results to the Web Server: See Publishing PetroVR Projects.
  • Execute all scenarios in the PetroVR ServerExecute all scenarios in the PetroVR Server: Simulate all the scenarios on the PetroVR Server. This feature is not enabled in the current version - contact the PetroVR Help Desk for more information on how to access this option.
  • Publish to DataflowPublish to Dataflow: See Publishing PetroVR Projects.
  • Update packUpdates: Manage the PetroVR updates installed in your computer. See further in Working with Updates.
  • Exit PetroVR.
  • Use as default: (Only in Globals.) Use the currently open Globals file as default in all new projects.
Updates and update packs are not included when the Collect In Copy Project Files to option is used. See Working with Updates.