Using Excel Cases: A Simple Example

The following steps illustrate the basic procedure for using the Excel Cases functionality:

  1. Create a simple project with an oil reservoir and a production well. The reservoir should be connected to a facility.
  2. Create an Excel spreadsheet.
  3. In the Excel spreadsheet define two different cells as named ranges and enter the following functions in them:
    1. Oil in Place: =IF(Case=1; 8; IF(Case=2; 10; IF(Case=3; 15))) MMbbl
    2. Capacity: =IF(Case=1;6; IF(Case=2; 8; IF(Case=3; 12))) Mbpd
  4. Set the reservoir Oil in Place and the facility Capacity to be Excel Links, and link them to the ranges defined in step 3.
  5. Create a new range that contains only one cell and name it "Case". Enter any numeric value in that cell.
  6. Open the Excel Cases window from the Tools Menu and select the file you just created, and the "Case" range. Set the number of cases to 3.
  7. Simulate the project.

Since the cell from the "Case" range will vary its value from 1 to 3 in each simulation run, the values for the Oil in Place of the reservoir and the Capacity of the facility will change accordingly.

As a result, you will obtain three different simulations (with different results), with these values:

  • Case 1: Oil in Place = 8 MMbbl; Capacity = 6 Mbpd.
  • Case 2: Oil in Place = 10 MMbbl; Capacity = 8 Mbpd.
  • Case 3: Oil in Place = 15 MMbbl; Capacity = 12 Mbpd.

These changes will (as you can see) affect the course of the whole project.

You can obtain the same results by creating two scenarios in the Scenarios tool. You can set the Oil in Place to be 8 MMbbl in the base project, 10 MMbbl in the first scenario and 15 MMbbl in the second one. (The same applies for capacities.)