Back-Up and Recovery Files

PetroVR provides a series of back-up mechanisms to help you protect your data against loss and corruption.

Back-Up Files

When the Save command is invoked from the File Menu, back-up files are created before the data is saved. This allows you to restore any project back to the last saved version. The following name conventions are used:

  • PetroVR Plan project: <project name>.pvr.bak
  • The Change System file: <project name>.ch.bak
  • PetroVR Portfolio: <portfolio name>_bk.pfl PetroVR
  • Econ model: <econ model name>_bk.ec_

In PetroVR Plan, you can recover the last back-up file of a project by selecting Restore Project in the File Menu.

If the model being saved was last saved in a different PetroVR version, a suffix .v<n> is added to the back-up files. Example:

  1. A file named Cleo.pvr was last saved in PetroVR v7.
  2. You open this file in PetroVR v8 and save it.
  3. A back-up file is created with the name Cleo.pvr.v7.bak.

Temporary Files (_tmp.pv_)

Every time a PetroVR Plan project is opened, a copy of the corresponding .pvr file is created using the following name convention: <project name>_tmp.pv_. This file will be deleted when you close the current PetroVR session.

If, for any reason, the PetroVR session is abnormally terminated, the temporary file will be loaded the next time you open the project, so that you will be resuming the project at the point where you were working when the session was terminated. If you wish to revert to the last saved version, use the Restore option in the File Menu.

Changes Files (.ch)

Each time you save a PetroVR model a second file with the extension .ch is saved too, containing all the changes that make up the model. You also have options to save separate .ch files from the various Change Browsers. See The Change System for a full explanation of the significance and scope of this feature.

The Recovery Log (recovery.log)

The Recovery Log is a file that records in chronological order all changes (inputs and other actions) you make in all models created with PetroVR. See Browse Recovery Log.

The Error Log (error.log)

The Error Log is a file where all system errors that occur while using PetroVR are recorded in chronological order. PetroVR runtime errors trigger a Warning popup:

Error message

The Error Log is included with the information sent to technical support when emailing projects with the Add support-related information option checked (see Zip and Email Project).