Scenario Node

Individual scenario nodes comprise two tabs: the Scenario tab, where the current scenario is represented by the list of changes that distinguishes it from the base project, and a Status Tab.

  • Edit scenarioEdit scenario: Open the currently selected scenario in the PetroVR Plan main window.
  • Execute base projectExecute base project / Execute scenario: Simulate only the base project or the selected scenario.
  • View statusView status: (Only shown when the scenario has validation issues.) Open the scenario Status Tab.

indicates that the current scenario has not been simulated since the last time it was modified, so that the available results (if any) are out of date. indicates that the current version of the scenario has been simulated, and the results are up to date.

The Description textbox allows a detailed description of the scenario, independently from the project description edited in the root node General tab. A toolbar with options to use different formats is displayed while you are editing the description:

  • Bold Bold.
  • Italics Italics.
  • Underline Underline.
  • Text color Text color.
  • Highlight Highlight.
  • Align left Align left, Center Center, Align right Align right.
  • Bullets Bullets.
  • Undo Undo, Redo Redo.

The list labeled Changes to <scenario name> presents input differences between the base project and the scenario. Changes are presented in the same format as in PetroVR Change Browsers; they include User Name, Timestamp, Object and Action, with the addition of Base Project (value of the variable in the base project, if any variable is involved).

Next failure Next failure: Select the next change in the list that presents a validation failure. Use this option to easily navigate and review large scenario change sets.

The following commands are available in the right-click menu on changes:

  • DeleteDelete: Delete selected change(s).
  • Cut: Cut selected change(s).
  • CopyCopy: Copy selected change(s).
  • PastePaste: Paste copied/cut change(s).
  • Update Location: Only enabled when a file path is mentioned in the Action field of the selected change(s). This command works similarly to Find MissingFind Missing in the Files Tab.

Notice that adding, removing or modifying changes will actually modify the scenario; therefore, you cannot use most of these commands if the scenario is currently being edited elsewhere, that is, in the PetroVR Plan window. If you find that you cannot edit changes from the Scenario tab, make sure that PetroVR Plan is editing something else, for example the base project.

User-Defined Graphs created from a scenario are saved in the base project rather than associated with the scenario, and will be available in all scenarios. The Change System made to these graphs will also be saved in change logs as belonging to the base project.